Eq Tren Winstrol 8 week


New member
I'm 20 years old, lifting for 3 years
My current weight is 205lb, Height 6ft.

I want to do a cycle like this
w1- 500mg Eq, 500mg Tren Enath
w2- 300mg Eq, 300mg Tren Enath
w3-8 200mg Eq, 200mg Tren Enath
w3-8 winstrol tabs 20mg/day

this will be my second cycle, i'm going for lean mass and some fat loss. I'm good with diets.

my first cycle was 375mg Sustanon and 100mg parabolan per week, 8 weeks. I added 17 pounds on that and kept much

My pct will be 40mg Nolva for 30 days.

What is your opinion on this ?