Estimate body fat %


New member
ok, please no flaming, i know i have a lot of work to do to look like you guys, i lifted a lot in high school, and then went to college and got fat. been working out for about 8 months now hardcore again. can you estimate my bodfy fat %? thanks
I would kill to have my own wall urinal, i piss all over the floor in the middle of the night, and it smells like vitamins.
jcp2 said:
I would kill to have my own wall urinal, i piss all over the floor in the middle of the night, and it smells like vitamins.

Insane_Man said:

That reminds me of a funny story i am going to tell. I was in college and crashing at my best friends pad and had to piss real bad. He was throwing up in the bathroom, so i told him i was going to piss in the kitchen sink if he didnt' hurry up. He said OK, i told him make sure you remember saying this. Well the next morning i wake up and he pulls a glass out of the sink and starts drinking a glass of water, he completely forgot, and started throwing up when i told him, lol. Long story, but that is why sinks are no good, lol.
jcp2 said:
That reminds me of a funny story i am going to tell. I was in college and crashing at my best friends pad and had to piss real bad. He was throwing up in the bathroom, so i told him i was going to piss in the kitchen sink if he didnt' hurry up. He said OK, i told him make sure you remember saying this. Well the next morning i wake up and he pulls a glass out of the sink and starts drinking a glass of water, he completely forgot, and started throwing up when i told him, lol. Long story, but that is why sinks are no good, lol.
LOL, thats classic, sounds almost like something from a movie.