Estimate body fat %

i was thinking 15-17% in that picture, the lighting is pretty crappy, i would hople im not 20% but regardless i appriciate the input, and if i was 20% or 14% i still have to do cardio and diet so it really doesn't matter was just looking for a gauge, i'm not going to be pissed like a lot of guys do when someone posts a high bf than they think, because thats the most annoying thing in the world when you post something and get pissed because its not what you wanted to hear. so thanks again guys here is another pic with lil better lighting about 4 weeks later
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jcp2 said:
That reminds me of a funny story i am going to tell. I was in college and crashing at my best friends pad and had to piss real bad. He was throwing up in the bathroom, so i told him i was going to piss in the kitchen sink if he didnt' hurry up. He said OK, i told him make sure you remember saying this. Well the next morning i wake up and he pulls a glass out of the sink and starts drinking a glass of water, he completely forgot, and started throwing up when i told him, lol. Long story, but that is why sinks are no good, lol.

Thats fucking sick....
close to 20%. Since you don't mind being critiqued. YOu look skinny & fat at the same time. But I'm sure with a little determination in a few months you can change drastically.
Also that first pic looks gay as hell.
I'm so glad you can take honesty :)