Estrogen Blockers


New member
I'm currently taking a natural test booster (Hard-Fully Loaded), it was taken off the market for a while and now it is back. I get great results from this btw, I've taken it before. My question is.. do any of you take an estrogen blocker during or after a cycle of natural test boosters? And if so... what do you recommend...novadex, chrysin..etc..
Im doing natural boosters because they work for me. But I had heard recently heard that Chrysin or any estrogen blocker was pointless. I started to look up forums and a lot said the same thing, so I thought I'd ask.
I'm currently taking a natural test booster (Hard-Fully Loaded), it was taken off the market for a while and now it is back. I get great results from this btw, I've taken it before. My question is.. do any of you take an estrogen blocker during or after a cycle of natural test boosters? And if so... what do you recommend...novadex, chrysin..etc..

if its a natural test booster, then you dont need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or anything after. if you are prone to gyno and take something like DAA, then i would suggest taking Erase or Free Test or Sustain Alpha with DAA.
AI, anti aromatise. stops/blocks T from changing into E. when you have high amounts of Tes it will convert or aromatize into estrogen.

real AI's..letro,adex,aromasin.

forma stanzol...which is formestane.