Euro pharmacies (trenbolone e )


New member
I recently received my latest prefer from EP , I had most of what I needed for next cycle from my last order ( June 2013) I ordered just a few things I was missing, which was some test e and a just one tren e . The tren I received has the same label with the same s/n number and expiration date , but is a totally different color. All the previous EP tren I've gotten and still have is a dark rust color. This vial is light golden very similar to the color of test .. The color signify anything? Anyone else have very light color tren from them? Thanks , just curious
from what i've read that the reason it turns different colors is from oxidation and storage of the compound.
I recently received my latest prefer from EP , I had most of what I needed for next cycle from my last order ( June 2013) I ordered just a few things I was missing, which was some test e and a just one tren e . The tren I received has the same label with the same s/n number and expiration date , but is a totally different color. All the previous EP tren I've gotten and still have is a dark rust color. This vial is light golden very similar to the color of test .. The color signify anything? Anyone else have very light color tren from them? Thanks , just curious

...Curiosity is always smart Bro :) - Im glad there's no worries or doubt.

We explained this matter quite a few times already on some boards ....

IT IS A VERY SIMPLE FACT , THAT .. When pharma grade synthetic and crystal clear C. Oils are used - Even a TRACE Difference in given "Essence" batch color~tint couses pretty noticeable product color/tint changes.

It's perfectly Normal - And the reason that other product lines in the Game are always of the same color/tint is that All of them use "average" quality/purity C.Oils ... like the Grape S. Oil (Those Oils always have "a tint" that masks the real/actual product condition and "essence" used.

[If you mass spec. tested given two pieces that differ in color/tint - Results would be IDENTICAL - We know best :cool:]
I recently received my latest prefer from EP , I had most of what I needed for next cycle from my last order ( June 2013) I ordered just a few things I was missing, which was some test e and a just one tren e . The tren I received has the same label with the same s/n number and expiration date , but is a totally different color. All the previous EP tren I've gotten and still have is a dark rust color. This vial is light golden very similar to the color of test .. The color signify anything? Anyone else have very light color tren from them? Thanks , just curious

Yea I've just received tren a from ep. I'm thinking it looks a lot like tren e. It's light gold. I'm just hopin the strength is what it claims and hope it is tren ace. Because it hits u quiver than tren e and is strong and keeps u at peek performance.
Me too mane let me know if it's good. And if the affects are fast. CuVtren ace is faster than tren enth
All you guys will be ordering more before long. The questions you should be asking at this point, is not about the color, but will they have any left when you go to resupply. Because with summer coming, I may have to buy most of what they have left for my crew, while the rest of you "think" about the color! LOL. On a serious note. Have never had any issues with quality of any EP line product. G2G in my opinion.
don't mean to jack the post just since this post is about europharma I figured id ask.... wtf do you do with the ampules of hcg, im used to hcg in a vial... im looking at this glass ampules and im confused as fuck
don't mean to jack the post just since this post is about europharma I figured id ask.... wtf do you do with the ampules of hcg, im used to hcg in a vial... im looking at this glass ampules and im confused as fuck

Hey man. With ampules the best way is to go ahead and pull ur cc up that u take in each syringe. I've had experience with 5 ml ampules so I'd pull up 1ml in each syringe ull use it fast enough so it's all good. Hope this helps
I see man. I'm just thinking I got tren ace man. So how long u been with ep

Not with EP nor do I rep for EP or anyone else. I'm completely independent of sponsorship or partnership.
I Was just referencing my experience after running their Sus and Test Prop. My buddy ran 1 anadrol a day and was very happy with his results.

I'm currently off blast. Taking a few months to get back to normal. I will experiment with a new sponsor next. Maybe Doc Phoenix perhaps!! ;)