Europe vs. USA

Hey bros,

I´ve been looking over some cycles some of you have done or are doing and I´m curious about some things.

First of, many Americans use D-bol for 4-6 weeks (as part in a frontload process), not exceeding 25-40mg while Europeans use d-bol for 12 weeks or more (like myself). Europeans use a higher dosage for a longer period of time. This is when it gets interesting. Americans then use A-bombs at a dosage of 50-150mg (or more) ED for 6 weeks. Americans use drol, which puts the body under much stress than dbol, and you also use it for a longer period of time than dbol? Why don´t Americans cycle dbol for a longer period of time at a higher dosage, say 50-60mg ED. Even that dosage is not "that" high if compared to some BBs in Sweden or Finland for example. I could almost guarantee you will have more quality mass from a longer dbol cycle than you will ever get from drol (and keep with the right post-cycle therapy).

What gives? I´m in no way trying to flame anyone or telling anyone that they´re wrong in any way. I would just like to hear everyones input on this subject.

Has anyone else noticed any difference in the way Europeans and Americans cycle AAS?

I live in Norway and ive never heard of anyone doing d-bol over 6 weeks. And to me it seems like the american cycles are more hardcore than the europeans.
dragon06 said:
I live in Norway and ive never heard of anyone doing d-bol over 6 weeks. And to me it seems like the american cycles are more hardcore than the europeans.

Bro, you must be kidding me? I live in a city with a population of around 11,000. There are maybe 50 people here that train frequently. Around 20 of those use gear and all 20 use dbol for atleast 8 weeks. Starting at 50mg ED for 2-4 weeks then tapering down as they go. Some of us use it for a longer period of time and with a higher dose, me for example. I never do anything less than 8 weeks. Week 4 is when the real fun begins and you do want to stick with it for a while :)
And i know 20 people by person and alot more on a steroid forum in Norway. Doing d-bol for over 6 weeks especially at 50mg has very bad side effects and its very stupid if you ask me. You can get the same results with other drugs that are much more safer and better at keeping gains.
dragon06 said:
And i know 20 people by person and alot more on a steroid forum in Norway. Doing d-bol for over 6 weeks especially at 50mg has very bad side effects and its very stupid if you ask me. You can get the same results with other drugs that are much more safer and better at keeping gains.

And cycling Anadrol at 50-150 mg (or more) ED for 6 weeks isn´t? What drugs besides dbol and drol will put on the same amount of mass in the same time, and still keep the gains post-cycle without the sides? Still no flame.


And if you manage to keep all your gains dafter a d-bol cycle. Your doing a great job retaining water.
dragon06 said:

And if you manage to keep all your gains dafter a d-bol cycle. Your doing a great job retaining water.


And you don´t retain water from test and you also keep your gains from test? Well listen here Mr. Deca-only-cycle, yes I checked your previous posts. A good bet would be to STACK d-bol with test, yes? Almost EVERONE does it! You think we cycle only dbol or only anadrol or only test? Oh come on..
If you have so many educated friends, how come you did a Deca only cycle? If you are afraid to loose your hair there are 2 things for you. One is to simply stick to pro-hormones and the second one is to try test at 400mg/week with a tab of Propecia/Finasteride ED. Let me ask you this.. Did your deca only cycle shut you down like a gangbanger with a 9mm Tec? :P

How bout that 6 week cycle of Anadrol at 50-150mg (or more) ED? Would that be harsch on your liver? Would THAT be safer than a dbol cycle of 8 weeks?

Not all test retain as much water as d-bol. And when the hell have I said that a 6 week anadrol cycle is any better then a 8 d-bol. Im only saying that doing only a oral cycle for that long is not worth it when you can do other drugs that are better and safer.

And yes, i am doing a deca cycle so I wont lose any hair. And I know that I can do proscar with test, but deca doesnt shut my sex drive, so im fine with it.

And one more thing: YOU ARE AN IDIOT. I never said, your wrong and im right. Like everyone else on this board I just gave my opinion. No one said my opinion is right or wrong, its just my opinion. So the reason your getting so upset just because I said what was on my mind shows that you are an ignorant fool. Again I didnt say I was right, but it would be better listening to what I said, and if you think that was wrong you could just have said: Ok, but I think this is better and so on. Instead you start to flame like the little girl you are.
dragon06 said:
Not all test retain as much water as d-bol. And when the hell have I said that a 6 week anadrol cycle is any better then a 8 d-bol. Im only saying that doing only a oral cycle for that long is not worth it when you can do other drugs that are better and safer.

And yes, i am doing a deca cycle so I wont lose any hair. And I know that I can do proscar with test, but deca doesnt shut my sex drive, so im fine with it.

And one more thing: YOU ARE AN IDIOT. I never said, your wrong and im right. Like everyone else on this board I just gave my opinion. No one said my opinion is right or wrong, its just my opinion. So the reason your getting so upset just because I said what was on my mind shows that you are an ignorant fool. Again I didnt say I was right, but it would be better listening to what I said, and if you think that was wrong you could just have said: Ok, but I think this is better and so on. Instead you start to flame like the little girl you are.

Hey bro,

Where did I flame you? I´m not the one calling you an idiot, or an ignorant fool for that matter. You even called me stupid for cycling dbol longer than 8 weeks, maybe I am stupid, maybe I´m an ignorant fool. Get a grip pal, we have a different opinion as to how long dbol should or shouldn´t be cycled. But you said "I´ve never heard of anyone cyclling d-bol for longer than 6 weeks. That made me wonder since I live in a small town with a population of about 11000 and we are 20 people that use it for a longer period of time.

You don´t have to take a joke as a flame. I´m sorry if I offended you in any way but still, I see more people in Europe, I´ll even say Sweden and Finland just to clarify here that use dbol for a longer period of time than I see Americans do.

You never said that a Anadrol cycle would be safer than a d-bol cycle. I would like for you to read my first post one more time. I did a comparison as to how Americans use Anadrol at a much higher mg to mg ratio compared to dbol and they also use it for a longer period of time than dbol. Drol that is much much harscher on the liver than dbol.

BTW. I DO look like a girl, a girl on Anadrol and Sustanon (sust) that is :)
Come on bro, you need to lower the dose a bit :)
No hard feelings?
Cool bro,

As to your hairloss problem. I hear you there bro. I´m also prone to hairloss, for gyno too. I have the same shitty problem as you. But I´m on 1 gram test and doing 50 mg A-bombs ED and I haven´t noticed any loss of hair (yet that is). Just stack the test with Propecia/Finasteride and you´ll be fine! I´ll guarantee better results with this combo than Deca only. I also saw you use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid, even better! You´ll retain quite a bit from a test cycle with that combo.

Good luck man!
dragon06 said:
I live in Norway and ive never heard of anyone doing d-bol over 6 weeks. And to me it seems like the american cycles are more hardcore than the europeans.

I live in Italy and I must agree with dragon06. Here d-bol normally runs for some 4/6 weeks, not longer, and with 20/40 mg doses.
I find american Cycles, in general, a little heavier (not longer, just with some more stuff).
Welcome to our boards GeneticalChallenge.

Your posts imo have flames & attitude. No need to have attitude here at Steroidology. We are all friends helping each other out.

Thank You
I've never noticed the diff between american and european cycles (american here), mostly because I have no idea where most of the ppl I talk to are from. I can tell you that I personally dont like to use many orals. Overall, they aren't as safe as injectables. I believe that you, GeneticalChallenge, have just seen the differences in opinion between some americans. LoL we dont all think alike. Most I know like to dbol in the 50mgs or less range for about 6 weeks. Those that use drol, tend to be more "experienced" or just a little crazier and they'll use drol in the 50-100mg range for 6 weeks.

To sum it up, I think you've just been seeing a diff in opinion between ppl of the same country.
Hi ready2explode, as an example I can tell you that in italian forums is quite unusual (I don't know anyone doing it) seeing amateur BB cycling at 1 g testo/week. In american boards (I don't know yet about Steroidology) I've seen some. I'm not saying it's good or not; just noticed it.
Batman said:
Hi ready2explode, as an example I can tell you that in italian forums is quite unusual (I don't know anyone doing it) seeing amateur BB cycling at 1 g testo/week. In american boards (I don't know yet about Steroidology) I've seen some. I'm not saying it's good or not; just noticed it.
There are idiots all over the world...thats what I was kinda trying to get at...
Rhino58 said:
Bro you wont keep your gains from dbol. The water weight will disappear.

Not in my opinion (well yes, the water will disapper). I´ve been cycling dbol since I was 17 years old. That was 7 years ago and every cycle I´ve done left me with increased mass and strenght. That is permanent mass and strenght.