ever heard of legit tren act crashing?


I was reading a diff sites forum today and came across someone on there who had posted a pic of a vial of tren act that had started crystalizing. so I told him more than likely it was starting to crash, and explained to him how to fix it.
my Q? is this was legit prescription stuff"supposedly" that he had obtained. I've never actually seen legit or prescribed tren act crash. Woudn't that take an incrediblely I mean extremely long time. and would it be safe to inject that stuff.

I don't want to kill the poor bastard, hell I don't know him well enough yet. :shoot5: lol
To my knowledge, there is not a pharmacutical ready version of tren. There is USP grade powder, but not premade. Anything could potentially crash though.
apreciate it.
also I doubt it makes any dif, but the label on the bottle in the pics said mustang pharmacuitcals