EVERYBODY who's used Accutane post your Experience


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Just finished my first month at 40mg. I couldn't be happier with the results. Unfortunately I'm left with some nasty scars and am having trouble deciding if I should cycle again?

Any one who's ever used this stuff before lets hear from you!

1. How long did you use it? what dose?
2. Did you use it on cycle? after cycle?

I want to hear everyones experience on the subject. I know their has to be a shit load of people that have used it before but these threads typically don't get many responses. Let's hear all experiences, even if they were negative.
Man, that shit is linked to a lot of BAD SHIT here lately. Research it thoroughly bro, before u make your mind up on running it> At first might have been hype/but bad things keep poping up about it!
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Totally agree. There are some major law suits going on right now because of that shit. Its been said to give the user ulcerive colitus. . . . . not sure about that spelling and Chrones disease. Be careful bro.
yep I'm fully aware of the risks, researched it for about a year before it was absolutely necessary to take. My GP and even a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc said my backne was the worst case they have ever seen. I think the derm actually may have thrown up a little bit in their mouth when they saw it lol, so you could only imagine!
After only 1 month of this stuff my backne is basically all gone. Unfortunately ther's hundreds of deep red scars, but that beats the acne any day.
lets hear some experiences...
yep I'm fully aware of the risks, researched it for about a year before it was absolutely necessary to take. My GP and even a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc said my backne was the worst case they have ever seen. I think the derm actually may have thrown up a little bit in their mouth when they saw it lol, so you could only imagine!
After only 1 month of this stuff my backne is basically all gone. Unfortunately ther's hundreds of deep red scars, but that beats the acne any day.
lets hear some experiences...

Damn son, what were u running? Doses/duration? Curious did they recommend doxycycline?
Damn son, what were u running? Doses/duration? Curious did they recommend doxycycline?

Yup I tried 4 types of antibiotics before going on the accutane. Doxy was one of them.
Last cycle I got a bit carried away but still had no acne untill post cycle. I ran test, deca, dbol and some tren also. The cycle was 16 weeks total. And I was acne free for the entire cycle.
week 17 BAM it hit me hard. and got worse for the next 2 months untill I started accutane last month.

Edit: I'v done a lot of thnking about what could have been the cause, and all I can thin of is a huge estro spike from stopping letro. I was taking letro right up untill the end of week 16, and I think I should have ran the letro up untill post cycle therapy (pct). I'm pretty sure I stopped it too soon and should have tappered off. That's the only explaination I can think of. I was only running about .5mg/d but I should have ran it straight up untill I started Nolva. the week leading up to post cycle therapy (pct) and the first week of post cycle therapy (pct) is when the acne blew out of control and it happened FAST
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I was a teenager with acne....age 16. Was prescribed this and had liver and vision problems. The dose was not high although I couldn't tell you exactly what it was.

Never again. I would only use tricyclines for acne after that. Now I have no acne problems now that I'm an adult.
Ran accutane for 6 months at age 17. I started in the fall when I went back to school one year, which ended up being a mistake. By the time it was really kicking in, it was getting cold outside. I've never had worse dry skin in my life. I had to lather myself in Cetaphil lotion everyday and wear shloads of chapstick to keep myself looking like a halfway normal human being. I had moderate to severe acne in HS, and Accutane brings it ALL out. So there were certain points that I was literally wearing my moms concealer to hide the breakouts of acne on my face. I'm glad I used Accutane because I had "cystic" acne, the kind that leaves awful scars if not treated. I had to have blood tests done once a month. Accutane is no joke, I was depressed out of my mind when I was on it. But in the end it was definitely worth it. No visable scarring after I was done with my 6 month regimen. It also helped because now that I'm into bbing and AAS, I can avoid one of the most annoying sides from using. I barely ever get a pimple, even when using Dbol, Tren, or the most androgenic compounds out there. Had I not used Accutane, I wouldn't be cycling because I couldn't stand the pizza face I'd get while on.
If your gonna rx yourself accutane with out monthly lab tests then you need to go ahead and get your name on the liver transplant list as well.
hey, Im just curious, did any of you guys experience joint pain at all? Been feeling it in the low back last few days and am wondering if it could be accutane related?
hey, Im just curious, did any of you guys experience joint pain at all? Been feeling it in the low back last few days and am wondering if it could be accutane related?

No I was 17 and I had just gotten into lifting at that point so...I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Could check the side effects list for Accutane, it's rather long. Extremely dried out skin, I guess I could see dried out joints being an issue too.