Everyone Be Careful!

It's very annoying as steroids are legal in the UK so China exports to the UK shoudn't be a problem, in reality I can't get anything now :( I stocked up but I should have got MORE!
It's a new general agreement between the U.S./China. There was a HUGE chemical supplier shut down last week....trust me on this, stock up and then don't poke around again until after the Olympics.
DocJ said:
It's a new general agreement between the U.S./China. There was a HUGE chemical supplier shut down last week....trust me on this, stock up and then don't poke around again until after the Olympics.
It's the same in every place that's throwing Olympics. So this shouldnt even be a surprise to anyone. They try to "clean up" the place in a way. It'll all be over after Olympics. Wondering if prices of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will go up. hmmm
Hopefully, i'll be able to sneak a few small orders in in a few weeks
All of the suppliers say it's just the powders, but does this company make oils and orals too?
hmlacrosse said:
All of the suppliers say it's just the powders, but does this company make oils and orals too?
Problem is, all these underground labs use the chems from China to make their products.
DocJ said:
Problem is, all these underground labs use the chems from China to make their products.

exactly. thast what people dont get about UGls... they are bath tub pharmacies , you are getting home brew gear from them. there might be 5 ugl labs that actually have great equipment...

This will definately drive prices up.. my guy said maybe in a few weeks he could squeeze some small orders out , but a small order is a small order.. supply is way down while demand will go up... 100 bucks for a vial of test could be on the horizon
skarhead1 said:
exactly. thast what people dont get about UGls... they are bath tub pharmacies , you are getting home brew gear from them. there might be 5 ugl labs that actually have great equipment...

This will definately drive prices up.. my guy said maybe in a few weeks he could squeeze some small orders out , but a small order is a small order.. supply is way down while demand will go up... 100 bucks for a vial of test could be on the horizon

and theres nothing we can do about it, just think about gas prices, gotta suck it up and keep going. I completely agree, because demand is going anywhere, how much supply is really gone though? The UGLS will take hits for sure but what about the other companies.

I am a surfer, and in 2006 a big company called Clark Foam, who was one of the only distrubutors of foam boards (inside of the fiberglass on a surfboard) went under, for one reason or another.I think it had to do with the EPA..so from here other companies had to step up and find ways to get around EPA's standards and continue to produce foam. They came up with different epoxy boards and such, but i'm sure whether or not after the Olympics is over or whatever the reasons are, the UGLS and other companies will find a way around this, and prices will (hopefully) go back to normal, whether it's with different drugs, or different suppliers.
Well, this is just great. Not that I have much involvement in anything these days, but I just hate to think that we had our hey-day and this may all be coming to a slow, grinding halt.
DougoeFre5h said:
Well, this is just great. Not that I have much involvement in anything these days, but I just hate to think that we had our hey-day and this may all be coming to a slow, grinding halt.
likewise, but we knew this would happen, eventually.

Things were really tough several years ago. I heard it got so bad that pullinbig actually resorted to using short ester gear. =O
For once im quite happy to live in Britain, powders get through quite nicely here, think im gonna start stocking up tho, 2012 isnt that far round the corner for us!!
For once im quite happy to live in Britain, powders get through quite nicely here, think im gonna start stocking up tho, 2012 isnt that far round the corner for us!!
If that's the case then I see a tremendous business opportunity in your future! No one will question packages coming from England to America. :elephant: :elephant:
Tren-is-Ace said:
If that's the case then I see a tremendous business opportunity in your future! No one will question packages coming from England to America. :elephant: :elephant:

bar the authorities/police and customs, yes this would be a excellent business oppertunity but with the british legal system I certainly am not gonna take advantage of any such future oppertunity, I personally am grateful to be able to get enough gear in to use myself and a select few around me.
Its when we get greedy and start taking unnecessary risky that we bring attention to ourselves and this is how a lot of sources go down by wanting to make that extra few bucks.
The other sad thing is the way the law works, we as steroid users are treated with the same harsh treatment as crack and other hard drug dealers/users. But on the other hand every big steroids bust there has been there has always been class 1 drugs involved. moral to the story is don't get greedy don't get caught.