EVERYONES OPINNION ON A TREN E & TEST E CYCLE averaged out to be the best cycle!!

thanx tbone i'll look through.. lots to read there, and remember as a supercharger probably uses 30% A LOT!! of hp to run it , it does overcome and ultimately make more gross hp.... but if you turbo charge the engine, their is zero or close to it, paristatic loss!!! massively more efficient to run turbos.. some cases the ve of the engine is over 100% with turbos...add intercooler, watermeth.. and the fight is on!! especially in diesels, watermeth is the bomb.. lil propane and ur stylin..lol i guess the anology would be turbo vs supercharger.. plus addy's water meth=masteron intercooler= eq or what ever..;) put a variable vane turbo on or a diverter valve from BD and NO turbo lag....so sufica to say there is always more then one way to skin a cat, i am lookin for the best.. ;)

thanx for the stickey link.. ill cruise through there for a bit over the next few days........ what did u think of that big article?? estrogen stuff?
Even with "turbos", you need ancilliaries to run efficiently. Most run gauges to monitor vitals... Ie bloodwork bud...
ahhh i like that anology!! i am gonna get blood work before this cycle ends, before the next one starts, and during the next one... so i appreciate that suggestion! ancilliaries will be researched immediately.. again thanx..... any input on the estrogen article above??
ok.. so quick peak around says Dostinex would be a good choice... for a tren.. ( prolactin/progesterone) aas usage. but everything i read says most people but not all, and only if you show signs of gyno, fat accumulatation, etc, i guess you are sayin even if you don't show signs, the blood work will ?.. ;)
ahhh i like that anology!! i am gonna get blood work before this cycle ends, before the next one starts, and during the next one... so i appreciate that suggestion! ancilliaries will be researched immediately.. again thanx..... any input on the estrogen article above??
Without writing a 20 paragraph response, I'll just state that estradiol IS needed to an extent, but the impact on GH and IGF-1 is grossly exaggerated. In fact, free testosterone has about 10x a greater impact on IGF values than estradiol. (I have the table saved somewhere showing this)

As far as AR affinity goes, many folks seem to think that we have a set number of receptors, and that once they're all filled with a metabolite - there can be no more interaction. This is not true as the human body adapts to the presence of androgens, and will create additional receptors (they live and die on a regular basis) to accommodate them.

ok.. so quick peak around says Dostinex would be a good choice... for a tren.. ( prolactin/progesterone) aas usage. but everything i read says most people but not all, and only if you show signs of gyno, fat accumulatation, etc, i guess you are sayin even if you don't show signs, the blood work will ?.. ;)

Dostinex (cabergoline) is a good dopamine agonist, but it doesn't matter which progestin you're taking as they do the same thing. As long as you keep estradiol in check, you may never have to crack the bottle open, but it's always wise to keep it on hand just in case.

Prolactin is not found on the standard blood test panels, so I go with symptoms in combination with what a panel says regarding my estradiol. Typically your penis is the first thing to react to hormone imbalances, so if you start noticing that it's taking more and more time to reach orgasm, or if you start to lose the ability to maintain a firm erection - prolactin is often the culprit. Lactating often comes a bit beyond that point.
Without writing a 20 paragraph response, I'll just state that estradiol IS needed to an extent, but the impact on GH and IGF-1 is grossly exaggerated. In fact, free testosterone has about 10x a greater impact on IGF values than estradiol. (I have the table saved somewhere showing this)

As far as AR affinity goes, many folks seem to think that we have a set number of receptors, and that once they're all filled with a metabolite - there can be no more interaction. This is not true as the human body adapts to the presence of androgens, and will create additional receptors (they live and die on a regular basis) to accommodate them.

Dostinex (cabergoline) is a good dopamine agonist, but it doesn't matter which progestin you're taking as they do the same thing. As long as you keep estradiol in check, you may never have to crack the bottle open, but it's always wise to keep it on hand just in case.

Prolactin is not found on the standard blood test panels, so I go with symptoms in combination with what a panel says regarding my estradiol. Typically your penis is the first thing to react to hormone imbalances, so if you start noticing that it's taking more and more time to reach orgasm, or if you start to lose the ability to maintain a firm erection - prolactin is often the culprit. Lactating often comes a bit beyond that point.

The penis is the Canary in the Coal Mine.
thanx halfwit, thats the suff that makes my research a lil easier.. i won't be startin my next cycle til like january so you can se i have alotted a lot of time for research! i want this cycle to be spot on thanx for your input, everone elses' as well... any other comments or ideas, please keepem coming..
megatron, got it! well so far so good so ill keep a hand.. ooh i mean eye on that! lol would the hcg put a wrench in the gears on that though?? another words maybe the aas is messin me up but the penis gague is off because of the hcg, is that a possibility?
I ran tren ace for my first time this summer at 50mg EOD along with 700 test and 300 deca. I have to say at 50mg it wasnt stellar but I approached the new addition conservatively and felt comfortable.If the next time I run it I will do 700 test 400 deca and 75mg tren ace eod and if after a few weeks I feel ok I will bump up the tren to 100mg eod (which is where most tren users say to run it any way.

Im 42, 5' 11.5" and have close to ten cycles under my belt.
i appreciate your stats and cycle anzel.... even though you didn't think it was stellar, did u in fact get any gains? sides? and did u use and ai or anything?

hey guys. on a separate note, other then acne. i really don't have any sides, i did notice though, when i am workin on a car in the garage, the sweat pours off of me!! any concerns?? i really never used to sweat, even in fl here where the humidity is brutal. i mean like the water streams off me....so maybe two sides then??? lol
Bloodwork bud... Can't tell you anything else till you get bloodwork. Would be like diagnosing a late model without any software. Could be anything. Be smart about it...
k.. got it cycle ends within in 2 weeks or so...ill get the blood work done before then.. thanx again any more points or suggestions or individual tren and test cycle stuff would still be appreciated, from any one else as well...

again, i do appreciate you goin above and beyond with advice tbone let you know about the blood...
Why wait for blood work? Don't you want to see what is going on now? This would be useful information for potential future cycles. It is only $57.
o crap thats awesome megatron i thought it was like 400 last time i did blood work it was 400 but i did a LOT of stuff... and just before i did anything my test was 1032!!! my doc couldn't believe it. 41 years old at the time. so i have a before i ever did anything blood test as a comparison i guess. if anyone wants to see that let me know.... otherwise which one is 57 dollars??
You need to work on your own cycle, not anybody else's. All the gear in the world won't make up for poor diet, training and sleep. It will need the use of ancillaries...
i understand tbone big concentration on my diet for next cycle..not worried about my training very thorough, 6 days a week, one part per day, range of motion and techinque are spot on no 1/3 of a rep like most that are tryin to bench like 500 but i reality could only do 175..lol

thanx again tbone diet #1 ancillaries # 2 pct#3 and finially gear # 4 for next run...
o crap thats awesome megatron i thought it was like 400 last time i did blood work it was 400 but i did a LOT of stuff... and just before i did anything my test was 1032!!! my doc couldn't believe it. 41 years old at the time. so i have a before i ever did anything blood test as a comparison i guess. if anyone wants to see that let me know.... otherwise which one is 57 dollars??

Read the Link to the FAQ in my signature line
megatron, i just went on labsmd and their is a few tests related to what we do here, do you know the exact name of the test i should get??... thanx