EVERYONES OPINNION ON A TREN E & TEST E CYCLE averaged out to be the best cycle!!

i just thought of a few other things if u guys could;

at what value should you start to donate blood?

at what value should you start an ai for the e2 and prolactin?

at what value should you start liver support?

if the kidneys go south at what value would i be lookin for and what would i use to counter act?

thanx again anyone who chimes in, greatly appreciated!

separate note, i reexamined my diet plan as per the stickey... did my bmr etc changed my diet startin last week, i can only force in about half of the required, but still put on 5 lbs last week alone!!! spot on guys, your help is stellar, and greatly appreciated. ill keep the diet as best i can through out off cycle here, and hammer hard when i start again like in jan. or so. gonna do the tren e and test e, front load. 10 weeks on both, exra two weeks on the test. hcg through out. what do you think i should take for a third? masteron?? i dont wanna gain too much water weight if that helps.

A lot of these things should be thought of differently. Rather than waiting for a problem and reacting to it, they can be prevented by proper management from the beginning.

For example, you can donate blood every 56 days. Build that into your cycle plan. Do it right before your cycle starts. Do it 57 days later. And again 56 days later. Continue is too repeat. Prevent polycythemia rather than treat it after the fact.

Take NAC from Day 1. Even take it when you are not cycling -- 600mg daily. Prevent liver problems rather than treat after the fact.

Know how much AI is needed based on previous cycle history. Use that Baseline to determine how much, if any, is needed on future cycles. Most guys start an AI Day 1 of their cycle.

And so on. On other words, preventing is better than dealing with treating something after it has become a problem.
i gottcha there, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!! u did see my numbers. those numbers are reflective of being on cycle for 15 weeks. i finished at 16 too long for me i think. anyway, do you think i need an ai then? u said my prolactin and e2 looked good. that is after 15 weeks. id say i am probably ok, but what u think?
donation is done! took over an hour, but oh well... lol my hemo was 18.3 they wanted me to donate 2 units instead of one, i just stuck with the one. so i should be all caught up now. liver support, donation, ai research mostly done, and mostly ready for next cycle, lots of months of research left though, before i go again...:)
donation is done! took over an hour, but oh well... lol my hemo was 18.3 they wanted me to donate 2 units instead of one, i just stuck with the one. so i should be all caught up now. liver support, donation, ai research mostly done, and mostly ready for next cycle, lots of months of research left though, before i go again...:)

Go back for the next donation in 56 days. Put it on the calendar.
will do megatron, but why keep goin every 56 days? wont the hemo drop while off cycle? or not enough to matter and would be preppin for next cycle??
will do megatron, but why keep goin every 56 days? wont the hemo drop while off cycle? or not enough to matter and would be preppin for next cycle??

If you talk to the phlebotomists they will tell you to think about it as "changing the oil" in your car. They will say there are therapeutic effects even when not cycling. I haven't looked into it. Maybe it is BS marketing. Maybe not.

Regardless, it helps save lives. Think of it as giving back and you may get some personal benefits from it. Plus alltbeh free cookies and chocolate milk you want!!!
anybody have any insight on my tt @ 4578? just wondering if that seems high or is about the norm for an on cycle count?
hey guys, i have everything to start my cycle. i just wanted you to take a peak and see if you would change anything.. thanx

600/wk tren e for 10wks

400/wk test e for 12wks

600/wk masteron for 12wks

250/twice a wk of hcg 14wks

front load the tren and test. (double it in the first week).
not plannin on frontin the mast

pct end of 15th wk

clomid 100 ed for a week then finish off what ever is left of 60 pills.

i have dostinex on hand in case of gyno problems.

nac for liver support.

blood tests before, during, and after cycle.

donate blood when hemo gets high.

this is basically my idea, i am pretty confident in the set up but a lil unsure of the tren and test amounts. 600 tren seems a lil heavy and not too sure of the test to tren ratio.
also not sure if i should front load the mast either. so if anyone would stress their opinion on these things or anything else it would really be greatly appreciated.

i like to err on the side of caution, but also am not afraid to step up to the plate.. lol i just dont wanna hurt or damage myself, ya know?

thanx for the help...
Do not donate blood just when Hermatocrit gets high...Megatron told you multiple times...do it every 56 days! It may get too high to where they will not let you donate if you wait then you have to go to doctor to draw and dump your blood. Listen to what people keep telling you.
when i say hemo gets high, i should have said a pinch over normal.... 18.3 is the cut off for them. i think like 12 is normal. i was gonna donate when it gets like 14 or so. well before it gets to the high end. i did a pretty extensive cycle last time, 16 weeks. after 12 or so i was at 18.2.. that was close! it was at that point that megatron and you other guys said i need to donate. so i did. i don't like to donate every time 56 days is up, personal reasons. but if i have to i will. thanks for ur input though mighty, i will do the 56 if need be. any other ideas or comments on the cycle i outlined?
hey guys!!! where is all the love?? any suggestions of my cycle set up i posted a few ago?? lets go............... STEP AWAY FROM THE PORN AND HELP A FELLOW NARCOTICS USER!! LMFAO!! narcotics.. yea right... can you say CONSPIRACY?? dam politics!!
Just a Note:
You have dos on hand "in case of Gyno" ? hello, high Estrogen causes Gyno and so for many other reasons you need to keep you E2 in check. You know matter Tren or other compound you are using you test is going up RIGHT, well Simple Simon... as your test level increases so does you E2 so take an AI always from day one.
hey guys!!! where is all the love?? any suggestions of my cycle set up i posted a few ago?? lets go............... STEP AWAY FROM THE PORN AND HELP A FELLOW NARCOTICS USER!! LMFAO!! narcotics.. yea right... can you say CONSPIRACY?? dam politics!!

I have given you suggestions via PM.
This blast for.myself
Right now 1500mg test/week, started tren a last week again at a low dose of 300mg/week
Pin mon, wed, fri :)
But again I.am.a.crazy motherfucker and love tren to.much lol
As.to.many people.think.tren is so.bad which majority of there sides are is in there head getting all worked up before they even start tren
Last edited:
NAC and Liv.52 for liver. This is covered in more detail in the sticky you read earlier.

I know I'm quoting something from a few months ago, but I just noticed this thread & decided to read through it. For liver protection, I've always seen the use of NAC. I've seen Liv 52 a number of years ago. What about Tudca? Is that any better than the previous 2? Or is NAC just as effective?

i just got my pre cycle blood results, ill post them in next window. few things are high... even like 3 or 4 months after last pin!!

any input would be great......

i will be:

1. donating blood in the next few days
2. increasing my NAC to every day instead of 3 days per wk
3.when i start cycle palannin on 1mg dostinex every 4 days..cause it looks like my estradiol is high!!
4. zink everyday

not too comfy with my pre cycle blood stats, think i can get em under control though ... let me know what u guys think....

Test Name Result Flag Reference Range Lab
GLUCOSE 86 65-99 mg/dL 01
Fasting reference interval
UREA NITROGEN (BUN) 20 7-25 mg/dL 01
CREATININE 1.15 0.60-1.35 mg/dL 01
eGFR NON-AFR. AMERICAN 76 > OR = 60 mL/min/1.73m2 01
eGFR AFRICAN AMERICAN 89 > OR = 60 mL/min/1.73m2 01
SODIUM 140 135-146 mmol/L 01
POTASSIUM 4.1 3.5-5.3 mmol/L 01
CHLORIDE 104 98-110 mmol/L 01
CARBON DIOXIDE 24 19-30 mmol/L 01
CALCIUM 9.6 8.6-10.3 mg/dL 01
PROTEIN, TOTAL 7.3 6.1-8.1 g/dL 01
ALBUMIN 4.6 3.6-5.1 g/dL 01
GLOBULIN 2.7 1.9-3.7 g/dL (calc) 01
ALBUMIN/GLOBULIN RATIO 1.7 1.0-2.5 (calc) 01
BILIRUBIN, TOTAL 1.3 HIGH 0.2-1.2 mg/dL 01
AST 31 10-40 U/L 01
ALT 58 HIGH 9-46 U/L 01
TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL, LC/MS/MS 991 250-1100 ng/dL 02
For more information on this test, go to
WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT 4.7 3.8-10.8 Thousand/uL 01
RED BLOOD CELL COUNT 5.56 4.20-5.80 Million/uL 01
HEMOGLOBIN 17.0 13.2-17.1 g/dL 01
HEMATOCRIT 50.8 HIGH 38.5-50.0 % 01
MCV 91.5 80.0-100.0 fL 01
MCH 30.6 27.0-33.0 pg 01
MCHC 33.4 32.0-36.0 g/dL 01
RDW 14.7 11.0-15.0 % 01
PLATELET COUNT 141 140-400 Thousand/uL 01
MPV 10.9 7.5-11.5 fL 01
ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHILS 2562 1500-7800 cells/uL 01
ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES 1537 850-3900 cells/uL 01
ABSOLUTE MONOCYTES 479 200-950 cells/uL 01
ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHILS 99 15-500 cells/uL 01
ABSOLUTE BASOPHILS 24 0-200 cells/uL 01
1 of 2
MONOCYTES 10.2 % 01
BASOPHILS 0.5 % 01
FSH 2.1 1.6-8.0 mIU/mL 01
LH 5.4
FSH 2.1 1.6-8.0 mIU/mL 01
LH 5.4 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL 01
ESTRADIOL 41 HIGH < OR = 39 pg/mL 01
Reference range established on post-pubertal patient
population. No pre-pubertal reference range
established using this assay. For any patients for
whom low Estradiol levels are anticipated (e.g. males,
pre-pubertal children and hypogonadal/post-menopausal
females), the Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
Estradiol, Ultrasensitive, LCMSMS assay is recommended
(order code 30289).
i just got my pre cycle blood results, ill post them in next window. few things are high... even like 3 or 4 months after last pin!!

any input would be great......

i will be:

1. donating blood in the next few days
2. increasing my NAC to every day instead of 3 days per wk
3.when i start cycle palannin on 1mg dostinex every 4 days..cause it looks like my estradiol is high!!
4. zink everyday

not too comfy with my pre cycle blood stats, think i can get em under control though ... let me know what u guys think....


Yes, donate blood.

I would be most concerned with your liver. Your ALT and Bilirubin are high. This points to liver damage. Do you drink a lot of alcohol or did you run high doses of oral steroids for too long? I would not go back on AAS until your liver heals. Definitely take NAC at 1000mg daily. Get Liv.52 and take it daily. Look into getting some TUDCA as well.

A bilirubin test measures the amount of bilirubin in a blood sample. Bilirubin is a brownish yellow substance found in bile. It is produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool (feces) and gives stool its normal color.

Bilirubin circulates in the bloodstream in two forms:

Indirect (or unconjugated) bilirubin. This form of bilirubin does not dissolve in water (it is insoluble). Indirect bilirubin travels through the bloodstream to the liver, where it is changed into a soluble form (direct or conjugated).
Direct (or conjugated) bilirubin. Direct bilirubin dissolves in water (it is soluble) and is made by the liver from indirect bilirubin.
Total bilirubin and direct bilirubin levels are measured directly in the blood, whereas indirect bilirubin levels are derived from the total and direct bilirubin measurements.

When bilirubin levels are high, the skin and whites of the eyes may appear yellow (jaundice). Jaundice may be caused by liver disease (hepatitis), blood disorders (hemolytic anemia), or blockage of the tubes (bile ducts) that allow bile to pass from the liver to the small intestine.

P.S. your TT looks awesome. Are you sure you want to risk fucking that up? How old are you?
i am 45 years old. i had a basic blood test a few years ago, before i did any aas. my bilirubin was 2.2 !! tt was 1036!!

never did or will do oral aas.

never drink, since 1999 anyway, and then just socially. my bilirubin has always been high, dont know why. the test a took a few years ago said the liver was fine, but the bili was high???

i was hospitalized like 13 years ago for throwing up very bad. never did anything but protien drinks and flaxseed oil. thats when they said my bili was high. i stopped all suppliments, all was good!

so i think that may have f**ked me up a bit. my bili is lower now then before even doing any aas!! any ideas to that??

i while back i was told to do like 1200mg of nac or so. i did and two weeks later i was pissin like a race horse every two hours!! so i stopped for a while and then started again with 3 a week. the stuff i had smelled like rotten tires so when i started again, i got a new supply, smells fine... i think i got some bad nac..lol you ever piss like a race horse takin that stuff before??

so is it possible i am just a person who has a higher billi??

what about my estradiol?? it went up since discontinuing aas... whats up with that??

thanx again