Thanks guys for passing by i really appreciate it and i like how 3J placed his comment and how he open minded
I really enjoy reading what you all wrote
Will we are learning guys i am currently studying to be a doctor and this year will be my last year
But being a doctor doesn't mean i have that experience in nutrition , but i read too much
Also as am a medical student i am pretty used to read many researches and do a lot of search in google and research engines
I don't care who is giving the words if he was engineer or teacher or even uneducated
But what i care the most is the knowledge and the experience he gives and that's what makes me happy when i see you all reply's
Well what i found is that surely if you eat too much protien you will be no ronnie for sure
and 0.87g/LB of protein is very safe amount and a lot of protein already
But in the same hand I figured that what 3J said about transformation about protein to fat is true , but i will do more research about it just for the sake of confirming that thing in my mind
i found that when protein is excess its either go into urine , and if it turns into fat it turns with caloric surplus usually
I would prefer increase in protein as what kind of fuel it is not for gaining more muscle
If you talk about protein , carbs , fat
you will see that the easiest things which turn into fats are fats itself and carbs
and the body is sensitive to there excess more than protein
For me the best reason that i take more than 0.87g/LB now is that the protein is the hardest component to turn into fat , and its the highest quality component regarding muscle growth.
If you aim specially for ripping you need sometimes low carbs + low fat and high protein diet.
Because you are hitting two birds with one stone , you are cutting fat and carbs , and the to reach a good caloric intake you add the rest as protein
I tried this diet for 3 weeks now , and i've been very strict about it , and guess what until now i lost 5 kilos without the use of any supplements except iso-100
My diet is like 43g Fat , 127 Carbs , 229g Protein
and what i added more protein for is not for gaining more muscle , its just to get to the healthy amount of calories for me .
Thanks to you all you have my respect 'till the end