Excessive weight loss post cycle normal?


New member
So I just finished my first cycle of test e, 8 weeks at 1cc 2x a week, taking liquidex durring, and now liquiclo and tribulus post cycle. I gained about 8 lbs durring the cycle but I'm in my second off cycle week now, and have lost 10 lbs in the last week.is it normal to drop weight like this post cycle or no? Some energy and strength has been lost too, which I expected, but the weight loss seems excessive. Any help will be appreciated
First thing that comes to mind is that most if not all of your weight gain was water weight, epecially with such a short cycle with a long ester. 8 weeks of test e isnt really long enough to see any meaningful muscle gains so i would guess most of the weight gain was just bloat from lack of proper estrogen control. Were you using Liquidex from RUI or the N2BM Liquidex ai? Because N2BMs Liquidex isn't actual arimidex and therefore can't be used as arimidex.

This is just my first thought but if you throw up your stats and what your diet is like we can help you out a lot better.
RUI liquidex, and I wanted to go longer, but ran out and couldn't get any more in time. I was 172 when I started, 180 when I ended. 10-12% body fat both beginning and end. Had strength gains aND slight size increases. Diet is amd was broken down as follows:

Meal 1: 3 full eggs, 4 egg whites, 3/4 cup oats
Post WO shake: 1.5 c almond milk, 2tbsp PB, .5 c oats, 1 banana 2 scoops whey
Meal 2-5: 6oz chicken breast, 1c sweet potatoes, 1tbsp olive oil or 1 serving peanuts
Meal 6: 3 full eggs, 2 tbsp PB, 4 egg whites
Before bed: 1c low fat cottage cheese
sounds like this is your first cycle... hahah welcome. you said you want to continue past the 8 weeks but you "ran out". one of the most important rules when it comes to cycling steroids, in my opinion, is to have EVERYTHING ready before you start. all your oils, more AI's than you thought you'd need, and all of your PCT.

8 weeks of 500mg a week of test e? that's too short for a long ester cycle because it takes the enanthate ester around 2-3 weeks to fully build up in your blood, so i think most of those 8lbs you gained was mostly water. for an 8 week cycle you'd have been better off using test prop.

i think an 8 week *cycle* (not to be confused with a blast for those who B&C) in general is not enough time to see anything meaningful, as dickey stated above.

and of course you are going to lose a good amount of weight, strength, and energy when you come off. you just had supraphysiological amounts of testosterone running through your veins and now you don't.

my guess is that you messed up somewhere along the lines of coming off when transition from the test to the clomid.
taking clomid raises your testosterone and when you use clomid you basically need to catch your test levels at the right time when, in your case, the enanthate ester fades so that you dont crash your test. no test/low test = muscle loss.

diet seems solid though so i hope you are keeping up with that and your training. keep an eye on your bloodwork and hormone levels.

good luck.. and next time you plan on doing this again do some more research bro.

EDIT: i just have one question... why are you coming off a cycle just as summer is starting? lol
You should have put on 25-30 pounds in that time. I've never heard of someone only gaining 8 pounds. What are you take for your pct?

There is nothing wrong with an 8 week cycle. It is the best length for a first cycle. You guy are forgetting what it like to really eat propperly in a bulker. Eating becomes a full time job. I can put on 40 pounds of muscle in 8 weeks with peptides and insulin.

You youngons don't know how to eat to grow. When bulking I cook a meal before bed and have it ready to eat when I wake up at 3 am.
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Thank you for the info! So how long before I should start my second cycle? I'll have enough test, AI and pct, but I'm unclear how long I should wait to start a second cycle.
Ok I will reiterate what everyone said before I shut this off.
OP 8 weeks was a waste. Considering the Test just really kicked on week five. So then you stopped...Huh ?

On every cycle the first thing gained right off the doc is water. You can put on 5 lbs of water in a week and not even be bloated. I found that your Estrogen can be in check and you will still gain SOME water weight. So all you did was gain some water and quit before the Test could start really doing it's thing. Considering you are only going to gain a few pounds of LMM in a cycle of 16 week what LMM did you think was going to be a part of this 8 lbs.

You never gave this a chance to GROW muscle. See it sounds different when we speak of growing. Growing, our body manufacturing more muscle fibers and stronger ones. Mass does not grow in 8 weeks. You gained almost nothing and you lost nothing.

Next time you need to do more research on how these compounds work in / with your body.