Experience using danazol?


New member
Is Danazol a real option to reduce high SHBG? I have had very consistent test results since July where my SHBG is over range. It was last at 69.6 when the top range is 55. I have had very bad free test %’s since then too. After a run of clomid last spring, my total test is consistently in the 600-900 range, but my free T is averaging in the 70’s range for a low free T% in the 0.8-1.1%. I think I will feel better if I can get some of my T freed up. I have low libido, no nocturnal or morning woods and some ED.

Has anyone here used Danazol for high SHBG and how did it work? Any dosage information would help too. Not on any cycle or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Thanks.