Experienced with AAS and want to start HGH


New member
Need someone help me finalise a peptide stack.
I am basically confused between HGH 176-191, GHRP-6 and Kingtropin. Do I stack them? How do I go about cycling those? Can I take Kingtropin indefinitely or I should cycle it? Which on is the LR-3?

I am also interested in PEG MGF as I hear it has a localised effect? That would be interesting.

I am in the middle of a 12 week cycle on Sustanon (sust) and Deca, would I be able to run a peptide cycle along?
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Awesome post, I've just read the whole thing. You've clearly done a lot of research.

I still have confusion as to which one is IGF-1, is it like Jintropin? or 176-191?
Basically where I am I don't seem to find IGF-1, and I understand how important it is, but below is what's available to me, do you think I can put something together from this into a cycle?

HGH 176-191
Melanotan 2
Only thing that sucks about the GHRP's is the multiple injections, they will increase your GH levels, and are pretty cheap to boot. If money isn't a problem, I would definitely just go for primotropin (or the hundred other tropins out there), but for most of us it is kinda expensive for regular use, I would just opt for IGF-1 LR3 as is, its pretty regular, easy to constitute, and moderately expensive. Coming off your cycle, IGF-1 shots would definitely benefit you in your PCT.
Wk1-12 1000mcg (1mg) every week cjc-1295
Wk1-12 100mcg 2-3X ed GHRP-2 or Ghrp-6
Wk1-12 10-20mcg ed IGF1 Ec (post workouts)

You have this cycle in your other thread which I found interesting, though I have a couple of questions.

I read somewhere that IGF1 Ec (MGF) is actually the topin? like the rhGH Kigtropin, Pharmatropin, etc? Or is it PEG-MGF? All these names are getting me confused!

Since I am looking for a local hyperplasia effect, would I be injecting the MGF locally post workout? As I would really like to avoid growing other things such as my intestines! :)

Do I inject GHRP-6 SubQ?

Much appreciated.
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