expired gear


New member
i did my first cycle ever of qv deca an qv winstrol the shit was six years expired but it was free so i figured wtf it was kept in a cool dry place i did some reseach an most said it would still be good i took 300mgs of deca a week along with Winstrol (winny) eod started at bout 237 maybe gained 5-7bls i leaned up alot it seems right now im 245 my stregth gains were ok,i got ahold of some dbol i have been taking 40mgs a day for 3 weeks havent gained shit i started taking dbol last week of deca i had Winstrol (winny) ran out 2 3 weeks prior whats the deal my diet is very clean extemely low carb diet 250grams of protein a day veggies,fruit,maybe it wasnt good shit and this dbol might be fake yixin pharm,shanxi china,idk i want to get to 265 ive took pro's before this first cycle of real shit id just like to put and inch or two on my arms and get stronger any advice on a good cylcle for me im about to run out of dbol.
So your taking Deca, Dbol, and Winstrol (winny) without a Test Base?????? What is your AI?
What is your post cycle therapy (pct)? Research now before its too late.

There is a reason horror stories about steroids exist. Get ready to write one.