Explanation of half life's an elimination time


New member
I have been online all morning about this but
Can't find what I'm looking for so help would be appreciated

I have been on a year long blast and cruise
I did my last injection of 250mg on October 22 today is November 13
My blast dose was 6-800mg cruise was 200-250
I am bein forced to get a testosterone blood test by my mrs which I told I have been off for three months and she will let me get back on and do TRT which I wanna do if my levels come up today showing I'm not juicing.

So if my last injection of 250mg test E was October 22 and today is NOV 13 will my blood work reflect egogonous testosterone in the blood?
I'm getting a testosterone blood test not a steroid drug test
Nkw I'm confused about half life vs elimination time

But I'm just looking for a quick answer if I'll be good to get my blood test today or is it gonna come up that my levels are elevated
it's very difficult to calculate when it will be completely out of your system unless you know the mathematical equation that can answer it for you, but it's very complicated. There are going to be trace amounts in your blood for a long time after you stop pinning. To get a good idea use this. http://pct.befit4free.net/index.php . type in the type of test you're using, the pinning frequency, cycle length, etc and it gives you a chart showing what your blood levels are on any given day, when to start pct and so on. If you notice there are still trace amounts of test in your blood even during pct that take a long time to clear. hope this helps
it's very difficult to calculate when it will be completely out of your system unless you know the mathematical equation that can answer it for you, but it's very complicated. There are going to be trace amounts in your blood for a long time after you stop pinning. To get a good idea use this. PCT Calculator | Post Cycle Therapy Calculator . type in the type of test you're using, the pinning frequency, cycle length, etc and it gives you a chart showing what your blood levels are on any given day, when to start pct and so on. If you notice there are still trace amounts of test in your blood even during pct that take a long time to clear. hope this helps

Yes sir this helps thanks for the help and not criticizing
Like many others do I knkw this a bit if a dumb question
Try pct.befit4free.net/index.php

It's a calculator which shows you your predicted levels of test in your blood both during your cycle, and afterwards (in order to maximise PCT effectiveness).

I have no idea what elevated levels are though.. so sorry I can't help any further

Edit: Sorry, don't know how to delete my post given that it's already been said haha