Extracting Liquids from Vials


After 2 seized packages and switching suppliers I finally got my goods delivered to me. So today I started making some home brew for the first time! Started having trouble pulling exact amounts out of the vials with the seringes due to vacum pressure.

1. Do I need to stick an additional 20g needle into the vials, contaning BB or BA for example, before extracting to relieve the vacuum?

2. Do you need to take into account the slight amount of substance in the needle itself when measuring out substances on the seringe scale? (makes a slight difference if you are pulling .4 ml out)

3. How do you eliminate air bubbles? Any tricks or techniques?

What tips do you guys have? I want to make sure everything is bang on.

draw air into syringe and push it into the vial and draw desired amount
hons3445 said:
After 2 seized packages and switching suppliers I finally got my goods delivered to me. So today I started making some home brew for the first time! Started having trouble pulling exact amounts out of the vials with the seringes due to vacum pressure.

1. Do I need to stick an additional 20g needle into the vials, contaning BB or BA for example, before extracting to relieve the vacuum?

2. Do you need to take into account the slight amount of substance in the needle itself when measuring out substances on the seringe scale? (makes a slight difference if you are pulling .4 ml out)

3. How do you eliminate air bubbles? Any tricks or techniques?

What tips do you guys have? I want to make sure everything is bang on.


Yeah do like Brian said. Push air into the vials until it becomes full of air.
When you first start out you are going to try to make everything perfect and you are going to worry about small mistakes. You do want to be accurate, but don't sweat the small stuff. Remember, its your brew, you can make it the way you want to. Its like cooking, alittle too much of this, or too little of this isn't really gonna change things much. As long as your happy who cares.
The biggest thing you need to worry about is being sterile. When in doubt, throw it out. Don't be afraid to waste a bunch of needles and syringes. They don't cost that much. and always have plenty of isoproply alcohol handy. I put it in little squirt bottles. You can spray it on anything. it will just evaporate and kill germs. Any vials that I reuse I wash with soap and water and then I put alcohol in them to evaporate the water and dry out sterile.
Don't reuse filters. When your done, toss them out right away so you are no tempted to keep them.
Good luck bro!

Oh yeah. I don't measure anything under 1ml. Round it up or round it down I promise it doesn't make a difference. You will save yourself a lot of headaches this way.
A lot of recipies on this board call for .mls of this, and .mls of that. Just round it off. Only use whole numbers. Ive been doing this a long time. I never make the same exact homebrew twice and all of it has been good. Just keep it clean. :)
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Thanks guys I will try that out and post some feedback. Im going to be making a few different sub. and want to take some pics along the way so hope to have some to post this week.
