New member
I said in post #6 "I'm not an expert on this" and "I'm pretty sure you should have at least gotten some wicked boners going from that tren within a few hours of that first pin" In post #23 I say " If you knew your body a little better like I know mine you'd know within an hour(shoulda put a comma here) that tren (I should have said that a hormone) was starting to leak into your system. The reason I said that sentence is because ace is a short ester and I feel short esters steroids leaking into my system right off the bat cause I know what I'm looking for and am able to focus on it but whatever about that. I told you in pm that I have recently ran short test only cycles not I have never used anything but short test cycles so much for patient confidentiality. He has done this before with the your joking right thing. Congratulations anzel looks like you win the battle with your snide condescending passive aggressive spectacle that you used to get under my skin. Don't let me catch you in the gym with that 28 inch waist I'll make your back bend.
Oh, you're a chiropractor? Well arent you helpful! (Sheldon Cooper Voice )