fall/winter precontest bulking blast

pin 10 was done Thursday and pin 11 done tonight... I will post up this weeks routine starting tonight and got my tape so measurements will be up tomorrow as well as some new pics.. back over 270 now to... anywhere from 272 to 275 in the morning
so sunday night was chest
barbell bench 375x9x4
incline barbell bench 285x9x4
dumbbell bench 125x9x4
incline flye 45x9x4
tonight was shoulders and calves
barbell press 265x9x4
dumbbell upright row 55x9x4
single arm cable lat raise 30x9x4
bent over dumbbell flye 40x9x4
standing calf raise 265x10x4

on a side note, ive upped the prami to .25mg ed ...noticed a small amount of clear liquid after the woman pinched me.. so upped the prami and told her to stop and all is well again
last night was back
deadlifts 495x9 495x6 495x4 495x3
bent over barbell row 285x9x4
wide grip pulldown 180x9x4
reverse grip pulldown 160x9x4
seated row 200x9x4
barbell shrug 405x10x4
tonight was arms
close grip bench 315x9x4
one arm overhead extension 50x9x4
tricep pressdown 80x9x4
barbell curl 95x9x4
one arm cable curl 50x9x4
alternating dumbbell curl 45x9x4
reverse grip curl 85x9x4

also did chest this morning
barbell bench 135x15 225x15 315x15 365x12 405x8 405x8 405x8 and 225x40 at the end
incline dumbbell curl 110x12x4
incline flye 45x15x4
thanks bro....
pin 12 was the 17th
also did legs that night
squats 315x9x4
hipbelt squats 350x9x4
legpress 700x9x4
leg extension 115x9x4
single leg curl 95x9x4
calf press 750x10x4

so that's my routine for the week.. I take a day off after legs (sometimes) and just repeat the following week
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pin 13 was last night.. .all is going well , running aromasin at 25mg ed and prami at .25mg ed
can definatly feel deca kicking in, joints feels amazing, strength still going up, and looking/feeling a lot fuller... sorry guys for the lack of pics, will get em up this week, my phone is shit so ima get a buddy to take a few.. but thanks for following along none the less
so pin #14 this morning, had a good shoulder workout, and weighed in tonight at 278 with 2 meals still to go

quick question, how much oil can your delt hold? lately when I do a delt shot, which is about 1.8ml, I can see oil running down my arm and it swells a bit, glutes I have no problem with.. im using a 23g 1'' needle and going fairly slow
pin #15 last night, all went well, never has any trouble with glute shots for some reason
hit a couple of personal best too, got 405 on bench for 10 reps and 405 for 15 on squats so everything going well, joints are feeling good... weight is around 278 in the morning, and anywhere around 285 in the night

as soon as I getmy pic edited I will put it up, probably in the next hr or so
pin #16 was done this morning, still running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 250iu twice a week, aromasin at 25mg ed and prami right now is it 0.5mg ed but tomorrow im going to cut it back to 0.25mg ed again and see if I have anymore problems, they've cleared up after I increased it so im hoping they'll be fine
pin #17 was sunday night, everything still going well, weighing about 278 to 280 in the morning

hit a couple of personal best this past week. finally got 500lbs on bench and also did 315 for 27
pin #18 this morning, everything still good, back to doing 2 a day workouts again for a little while.. will post up my routine and measurements this weekend.. and maybe a few pics if the camera is nice..
Glad to hear things are moving along and progressing man. Keep it going can't wait to see the end results
pin #19 was sunday night, still running the same doses

Monday morning I did 30 min of cardio and arms
close grip bench 315x15x3 superset with alternating dumbbell curl 45x15x3
one arm overhead extension 60x15 70x15 75x15 superset with seated dumbbell curl 35x15x3
overhead dumbbell extension 110x15x3 superset with hammer curl 45x15x3

Monday night was 30 min cardio and back
wide grip pullups 3 sets 12
bent over barbell row 225x15x3
one arm cable row 60x15x3
hyper extenstions 3 sets 15
so this morning I did 30 min cardio and chest
bench 365x12x3
incline bench 225x15x3
flat dumbbell 110x15x3
flat flye 45x20x3

tonight was 30 min of cardio and legs
squats 135x3 225x3 315x3 405x1 455x1 495x1 545x1 585x1 600x1 (new personal best)
leg extension 70x20x3
leg curl 70x20x3
pin#20 was Thursday and 21 was tonight... all went well

changed up my routine this week so ill post it up for you guys again
24 pins done so 12 weeks in... all going well... up to 285 in the morning now... sorry for lack of updates been really busy the last few weeks... but thanks for following along
285 fuck bro getting into some serious poundage, can't wait to see the final result man, gonna be a ripped beast in the end brother.