fall/winter precontest bulking blast

so I dropped anadrol after discussing it with a fellow member. also I don't think ill be doing igf for this blast either.

today was arms
close grip bench superset with tricep pushdowns 265x12x3 and 110x12x3
tricep kickback superset with single arm overhead extentions 40x15x3
ezbar curl superset with single arm preacher 105x12x3 and 50x12 50x11 50x9
alternating dumbbell curl superset with concentration curl 50x12 50x11 50x9 and 30x15 30x15 30x12

will be hitting chest later on tonight
tonight was chest
barbell bench 135x6 225x3 315x3 405x1 475x1(new max)
dumbbell bench 135x12x3
incline barbell 285x12x3
incline dumbbell flye superset with pushups 65x11x3 and 15 reps for pushups

so yea new personal best on best.. inching my way closer to 500 went for 485 after I got 475 but got stuck half way up... aside from that super pleased
I'm all about lifting heavy, but be careful going super heavy while on. The strength gains + lack of collagen synthesis make sit easy to tear tendons.

Strong as fuck though man.

This may not be my place to say, but I think I would have cut down to like 12-13% before starting the cycle; Easier to see results, and less arimotization. Best of luck.
also forgot to mention, and im not sure if it was prami or not, but I took my first dose of 0.25mg last night before bed, after having something to eat, and found it really hard getting to sleep and staying asleep. I was literally up every 45 minutes or so.. hopefully this dosent last like as I do enjoy my sleep very much
thanks for the input man.. I don't really lift extremely heavy often, just occasional to see where my max is with regards to improvements... also always taking a joint supplement and fish oils for joint support..

also hopefully the deca will make it easier on the joints once that starts to kick in

as for increasing weights I usually do it in small increments from week to week for my working sets, probably 5-10 lbs at the most depending on the lift..

as for the bf% I do agree but where im trying to bulk up a bit more before I cut I don't mind the extra weight as it allows me to handle heavier weights easier, atleast imo

but haven't had any issues thus far with gyno or anything else.. been consistently taking aromasin at 12.5mg ed and just started prami last night so hopefully that will keep all in check
Dang. So you did arms in the morning, then did chest later and set a PR on the bench.....

You're my new hero.

Inb4 someone says, "guess you need a tougher arm routine then." Lol
haha I was expecting something like that... but I find it really hard to really burn arms... and they are probably one of my stronger bodyparts, and imo the reason I have a strong lifts

so if anyone has any suggestions for hitting arms im all ears

also did back and shoulders today

wide grip pullups 3 sets of 12
yates rows ( underhand barbell row) 265x12x3
tbar row 305x12x3
one arm dumbbell row 135x15x3
dumbbell press 135x9x3
dumbbell front raise 60x12 60x9 60x7
lat raise superset with bent over flye 40x15 40x12 40x7
barbell shrug 265x15x3
barbell wrist curl 155x15x3
so did hamstring and calves this morning...
stiff legged deadlifts 175x15x4
single leg curls 70x15x4
standing calf raise 250x20x3
single calf press 290x20x3

and did quads tonight
squats 315x15x3
hip belt squats 370x30 370x27 370x18
leg press superset with leg extension 610x15x3 and 100x15x3 with a triple drop set on last set of extensions

also my order come in today... ordered some more aromasin among other things... but the aromasin I have now is 6.25mg so I take 2 pills in the morning giving me 12.5mg ed ... the new aromasin is dosed in 25mg tabs ... so just wondering if I should split em up or do 25mg eod.. thanks guys
so did a quick tricep workout this morning
skullcrushers 115x12x3 superset with rope pressdowns 70x12x3
machine dips 295x15x3
overhead dumbbell extensions 135x15x3
light close grip bench 135x20x3

chest tonight
Chest done.
Barbell bench 355x12x3 dropset on last set 315x8 and 225x12
Incline dumbbell bench 135x12x3
Flat flye superset with pushups 65x15x3
Barbell Smith machine press 245x15 dropset to 195x15 dropset to 145x15 dropset to 95x15
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yesterday morning I did biceps
chin-ups bw+35x12x3
hammer curls 50x12x3
preacher curls 105x15x3
seated dumbbell curls 35x15x3

and last night I did back
deadlifts 355x12x3
bent over rows 285x12x3
lat pulldowns 130x15x3
seated wide grip rows 220x15x3
pin #5 tonight... gotta number em so I know where im to haha... but everything going good.. more prami tonight.. still at .25mg eod and hopefully wont have any sleep issues

will get some pics up tomorrow afternoon and some measurements in an hour or so
pin #6 and 7 done.. again sorry for the lack of updates...I had the flu this past week and I think ive pulled something in my lower abdomen from coughing... still hitting the gym,, but today I missed my last 2 meals due the pain giving me a sick feeling... however weight is holding at 276 so I think missing a couple on one day wont do any damage
pin 8 done.. that lower abdomen pain wasn't a strain it was unfortunately from constipation... have hardly eaten anything up until today because anything I ate made vomit.. went to the doc and got all cleaned out... also got some blood work and a urine test done... she said "all was well and I never had any elevated liver enzymes or kidney issues".. whatever that means.. doctors around here never tell you anything... unfortunately im down almost 8 pounds the last 3 days... no doubt due to lack of food...

any ideas on what may have caused the blockage? and what I can add to my diet to reduce chances?? she said fruit... which I love ... but I don't want too many simple sugars as its easy for me to hold extra weight

thanks guys any help would be greatly appreciated...
You look like your starting off well apart from the blockage, docs didn't say shit about it other than your fine and cleaned ya out? I wouldn't sweat the lost poundage as they will be gained back pretty fast, it sucks but part of dealing with issues and sickness. no elevation in liver enzymes and kidney issues is a great thing to hear bro, high liver enzymes suck and can get to a point where you gotta stop everything so thumbs up on that.. As far as the blockage is it something you have experienced previously, are ya prone to constipation? Fruit is good but limit it and as you said watch the simple sugars, what do you consume as fruit on a daily basis

Hows your sleep now, I know a few people who had same issue with prami but only last first few days and stabalized after that.

Glad to see your lifts are going strong bro, keep us updated and keep pushin er hard
I haven't had any previous issues with constipation. The doc gave me a laxative and I've went since then. She just said no swelling or inflammatio. Initially I thought I may have been anadrol. Not sure how long it stays in your system but I've been off for a while now. As for the prami I just started taking it during the day instead and I don't have any issues with sleep. I normally don't eat much fruit. Maybe an Orange and a couple of pieces of fresh pineapple a day but that would be at the most. Going to try adding in some broccoli before bed and if that don't do it maybe supplement with meta mucil daily. Thanks kaz
pin 9 done tonight.. everything going good... got a few pound put back on which im pleased with... hopefully this week ill get some measurements up.. cant find my tape anywhere so ima pick up a new one ... will get some pics up too