Fast T Metabolizer?


New member
Labs before Androgel 1% (5mg packet):

Free T 40.1 pg/ml (35.0 - 155.0)
Total T 231 ng/dl (250 - 1100) Low
Estradiol 22.3 pg/ml (7.6 - 42.6)

After 3 weeks Androgel 1%:

Free T 16.2 pg/ml
Total T 108 ng/dl
Estradiol 20.6 pg/ml

My T levels dropped by more than 50% and my E2 dropped about ~8%. Is this indicative of a fast T metabolizer?
No it is indicative that the cream just isn't working man. You shut down your natty and your not getting anything from the gel. Need more or switch.
You should switch to test cyp. almost everyone that does notices an improvement. gel is should be for ppl that cant handle needles.