fat% ?, and advice?

Do this for your upper chest:

Incline Dumbbell Press supersetted with incline dumbbell flys (4 sets of 6-10 reps for the bench press, and 8-15 reps for the flys.

Follow this by a triple dropset of underhand grip cable crossovers (3 sets of 10 reps).

I added 1 inch to my upper chest in a month doing this.
Just tried your upper chest work out Sat morning, it was great. Need to reserch some different liifts i meen i know alot of dif exercises for dif muscle groups but i feel like im getting used to all of them, any suggestions with this?
the new diet im on, of 3 regular sized meals, and 3 adtitional medium size meals imbetween, with protein shakes and all thrown in there is really awesome, still all natty, def feel like im getting stronger, i will check my weight in a few days since it will be 3 weeks even. Gear to come soon :)
I know i need to switch categories in the forum, just a quick update. Test E 500 a week from pinnacle, awsome stuff, 22g is a lil rough on the virgin muscle but not bad. Im currently half way through week 3, going great, notice a very slight strength increase, and i meen hardly anything. I chalk it up to my diet alone. I also notice that im alot harder and tighter then i was, visual changes are def there, but im sure thast from diet to, excited to see what this stuff does when it really kicks in around week 4-5 YEAH BUDDY lol
No way he's 13%... id say more like 10-11%


< in my avatar on stage I was 6 %

I'd dare say the op is around 15 % (which is no big deal) ...his calves look soft...remember we hold fat everywhere not just the upper body.

Welcome back op !! Looking good bro ! Heavy incline dumbbells to smash that upper chest...and wide chins will build your back !!

legs was somthing i never worked because i have plaied lax all my life and didnt want to get slower, plus i was only 175-180 when i played, i am not 194 and have been working my legs, they have come along way since that picture. I will post some soon when my home computer is back up and running, cant do it from my work comp. also my upper body has come along way since that origional picture from winters end also, im all to happy at this point, and it will only get better as the cycle continues. I wish iw as 6% bf at the end of my cycle lol, dont know how to get that low.
Update!: hey guys long time no talk,finished my first cycle around mid summer os 12', it was an epic experience, ended at 209, the Anavar (var) i took at the end was killer. I will post a pic ending soon. I currently purchased my second cycle a few days ago. Test E again, and Anavar (var) from Pinn (sh!ts awesome). I will still be doing 500 a week for test, and im upping my Anavar (var) to 75 instead of 25 for a few weeks and then bumping it to 50, im running 75 the whole time now, also HCG will be in play. Since my last cycle i went from 209 to 196, only 2lbs heavier then when i started my first, i blame it on the crossfit training i have been doing. But in my defence im more muscle not and i look better. Updated pics and new cycle info/diet info soon. Advice is once again much appriciateed you guys are awesome.