fat% ?, and advice?


New member
Hey guys,

I signed up a while back but this is my first post really ever. (please don’t flame) I’m 27 6' 2" i fluctuate from 190-200. Right now I’m 190 and I wanted to know if anyone knew an estimated body fat % ? Secondly I have lifted all through college and since college, 2 years ago when i played lacrosse a lot my weight was around 175, and I didn’t have much fat on me at all which was nice, but since only taking protein and upping my calories and food intake in general (only running a mile to a mile and a half before work out). I wanted to see if i could push it a bit, and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on any supplements to take, want to start soon considering summer is pretty much here and I set my goals way to high. Thanks guys any feedback both negative and positive will be great.
first off welcome, or should i say re-welcome :)

not bad bro, looking good for all natty...good base to work from depending on what your looking to do

as far as bf% goes id have to guess 10-12% based on the pic...im sure others will chime in here shortly..
Thanks man I appreciate it, and my diet isn***8217;t the cleanest, my sodium intake is probably way higher than it should, and more cheat days here and there then i should. But when it comes time for the summer....which its now, I clean my diet up, i work as a financial consultant trainee so I don***8217;t have time literally to be eating all these meals a day, so i fear that like last summer once summer rolls around and i clean up my diet then i will love pounds both fat and muscle. since my weeks are nuts, i also party hard once a week on a Saturday, but not aposed to slackign on the drinking if the advice calls for it. I would love to be anywhere from 195-205ish and be 8% body fat, i fear and bigger and my suites won***8217;t fit lol. But i wont shy away from the idea of getting bigger, so I***8217;m all ears. But beside that tangent i went on, i want to be cut for the summer as anyone does, but i want to have that full look, that picture was after a workout, when i first get into the gym I don***8217;t look as pumped, i want that hard look for the summer but also stay the same weight but shred up, if that***8217;s possible, and again be easy I***8217;m a newb.
Abs are visible, muscle definition is prominent. I'd say 13%. Need more chest development. You will get that with proper diet and gear :)
One of the biggest troubles i have had throughoutt he 7 years of training and dieting (trying to do it right) is upper chest and upper back. Any suggestions for a newbie on what to take? or is that against forum rules to ask that? anywho keep the advice coming guys, posative and negative feed back welcome, thanks!
Focus on a strong contraction on every rep and increase your frequency to possibly 2x per work of upper back/Chest. Make sure you're eating a calorie surplus meal plan (+500 Calories over maintenance) and lots of protein. Stretch the chest whenever you can.
Yeah i was thinking about adding in a strict upper chest and upper back day (i know it sounds wierd), probable right before my off day. Im upping my meals per day, still clean meals but im upping my protein intake alot more as well. Looking at gear to solve my probs as well, been thinking about it for quite some time.
I would say, and this is just my opinion, that you should decide if you want to focus on losing fat or building muscle first. In my experience its not really possible to do both at the same time. I think you will be happier with the results if you focus on one or the other goal. And, if you want to be bigger and leaner eventually, id say try to build the muscle first then lean down.

As far as gear im a noob, i'll leave that advice up to my elders here.
Thanks CuriousNewb i have tried to cut down, and i was when i weighed in at 175 a year and 3/4 ago, didnt like it because i wanted to be fuller and the same bf%. So i bulked up and have gotten to 190-195. I an decently lean now, so i figure gear and putting together the right cycle would help me gain that extra 10 lbs i want after i cut post cycle. But while on it taking a cutter as well to minimize on the water retention and fat gains while on a high cal high carb high protein diet, if im wrong please someone correct me, im a newb as well, my ears are wide open, thanks guys!
Ok 3j here is a meal plan for the day

6:45am - one cup of oats with skim milk with two scoops of banana protein (sometimes a large scoop of PB) if I have time also 4 egg whites with one yoke.

around 9:45-10am - I will have a bowl of rice and two pieces of plane chicken (small pieces that***8217;s why I have two)

12:45 lunch - my lunch always varies I either have a sandwich on wheat bread, an egg sandwich on the same, an egg white and veggie omelet, or I will cook two pieces of tilapia or chicken and make broccoli, always have a protein shake at lunch.

around 2:45-3 - I will have another bowl of rice and chicken

before I go to the gym around 6 I will have a small bowl of oats with skim milk and PB and a small scoop of banana protein around 5:15-5:30

when I get home from the gym I will have again either two pieces of tilapia or chicken with broccoli, bustle sprouts, or half a sweet potato, egg and veggie omelet

Other then this I will have small snack foods like almonds, or healthy to crunch on when I***8217;m at my desk getting hungry again.

Please by all means I am not a pro at this, so any critiquing will be more then welcomed, like I said in my above post I started lifting years back, but I didn***8217;t start trying to clean up my diet until two years ago, still not sure if considered clean or not because who doesn***8217;t cheat everyone in a while lol, Thanks 3J!
an this has been happening in a few of my posts, can anyone tell me why these wierd numbers and *** keep popping up in my posts lol? there quite annoying.
Idk i've noticed that before, obviously its where you use apostrophes. Idk if its a mac/pc thing or if you're posting from a type of smartphone or something.... Maybe just stop using apostrophes
Yeah basically, i dont spell check as i go, i type quick cuz im at the office, so i type it in word, and then paste it in here, it seems that the apostrophes from MS word come out like ***8217; that in here hahaha
Your diet looks pretty good, 3J will be able to give you more input, but you might have to increase your calories, get in a little more protein, add a slow-digesting protein before bed (Cottage cheese, Casein, Milk etc.) and get in a High-GI carb PWO. Keep it up though :)
Ok 3j here is a meal plan for the day

6:45am - one cup of oats with skim milk with two scoops of banana protein (sometimes a large scoop of PB) if I have time also 4 egg whites with one yoke.
around 9:45-10am - I will have a bowl of rice and two pieces of plane chicken (small pieces that***8217;s why I have two)
what kind of rice
12:45 lunch - my lunch always varies I either have a sandwich on wheat bread, an egg sandwich on the same, an egg white and veggie omelet, or I will cook two pieces of tilapia or chicken and make broccoli, always have a protein shake at lunch.

around 2:45-3 - I will have another bowl of rice and chicken
what kind of rice
before I go to the gym around 6 I will have a small bowl of oats with skim milk and PB and a small scoop of banana protein around 5:15-5:30
ok.. i like whole foods better
when I get home from the gym I will have again either two pieces of tilapia or chicken with broccoli, bustle sprouts, or half a sweet potato, egg and veggie omelet
where is the post workout shake and nutrition?? do 50g whey and a whole white bagel instead of this
Other then this I will have small snack foods like almonds, or healthy to crunch on when I***8217;m at my desk getting hungry again.
add 4oz lean beef as a last meal.. forget the tilapia
Please by all means I am not a pro at this, so any critiquing will be more then welcomed, like I said in my above post I started lifting years back, but I didn***8217;t start trying to clean up my diet until two years ago, still not sure if considered clean or not because who doesn***8217;t cheat everyone in a while lol, Thanks 3J!
Unfortunatly white rice, almost done with it then i will switch to brown.

what do you meen whole foods? for pre work out snack

Thats my fault, i do have a post workout shake within 15 minutes of my work out, and its around 50g of protein.

and i have abnout 3 lbs of 80% hamburger meat i will try this, can i fit the tilapia somewhere in there its so good lol
so the breakfast part is good?

Unfortunatly it is white rics

what type of whole foods?

And i left out the post workout shake, it is around 40g i just left that out my apologies.

And i have 3lbs of hamburger meat (80%) in the freezer, so i will get on adding that in there, can i mix the tilapia somewhere in my daily diet, its so good! lol

BodybuilderX Thanks for your imput as well! i will get on getting a casein since i do not have one, i was just eating my last meal of egg whites before bed.