FDA Approves Dissolving Testosterone Pill


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Date of approval: June 20, 2003

What is approved: Columbia Laboratories Inc. reports that the FDA has approved Striant (generic: testosterone buccal system), a system that slowly releases testosterone into the mucous membranes of the mouth. Striant is approved for men suffering from conditions stemming from testosterone deficiency, including hypogonadism. The Striant system offers an alternative to testosterone delivered by transdermal patches, topical gels, or injection.

Striant is a small, curved tablet -- about the size of an aspirin -- that is placed in the small depression where the gum meets the upper lip above the front teeth. It quickly sticks. Saliva softens the tablet into a gel, which stays in place for each 12-hour dosing period. Twice-a-day dosing is required for continuous testosterone delivery.

Testosterone delivered via the Striant delivery system doesn't go into the gut. Instead, it's absorbed by the mucous membrane and carried into a major blood vessel, the superior vena cava.

Striant is a controlled- and sustained- release tablet-like mucoadhesive buccal (gum surface) system containing 30mg of testosterone. Striant(TM) allows for the slow release and absorption of testosterone through gum and cheek surfaces that are in contact with the product. Dosing is twice-daily, with applications in the morning and in the evening, which maintains consistent and normal levels of testosterone.

When it will be available: Striant will be shipped to distributors in early third quarter, 2003.

Basis of approval: The manufacturer says it's regulatory team "completed the Phase III program and the required long-term safety studies."

Manufacturer: Columbia Laboratories Inc., Livingston, N.J.
Buccal testosterone tablets and troches have been around for a LONG time. It sounds like they've made an advancement with the gel thing so that you have sustained release into the mucosa. Interesting.
But where the hell did they get a name like "Striant?" Is that supposed to rhyme with "giant?"
Marketing genious at work...
I can't remember if approximately 400mgs/wk is the normal testosterone production of the average male. The dosage of Striant adds to 420 per week.
seems like a lot more trouble than 1 injection of 400mg to me, I'll stick with the old school method
Wynn said:
I can't remember if approximately 400mgs/wk is the normal testosterone production of the average male. The dosage of Striant adds to 420 per week.

With any of these methods, you never get anywhere close to 100% absorption. I doubt that you even get 50%. I think it's a save bet that they have formulated this product to stay with regular Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) guidelines which call for about 100mg WK. That would mean about 25% absorption, which sounds about right.
If I were THAT afraid of pins - or too old to use them - I would go with plo transdermal and get better adsorption IMO