Fedup of current weight


New member
Im around 26 years old 150-152lbs at 5'7 and 10%bf and im thinking of starting a clean bulk on sep 1st. If I decide to do this I would like to get to 170lbs then in feb 2009 start cutting back to 155lbs.

Im hoping by doing this the added weight I gain will help me lift heavier and gain a little more lean mass so that when I cut back to 155lbs i'll be around 10%bf again.

I think to achieve this I will need to increase cals to 3000 a day and consume 200g a day protien and 250-280g a day carbs and healthy fats with 1 cheat day per week.

All thoughts, comments and advice is welcome!!
my thoughts exactly
I mean ur gonna wanna cut down some but not back to that. Cut back down to like 160 maybe.
That makes more sense to me.
Have u ever cycled before?

Ive decided that im gonna stay natty, I see what your saying and agree that 160lbs is a better idea. thanks for the advice.
how can you be "fed up" and only want to gain 3lbs of muscle? i don't understand what you are trying to do.
it doesn't really make sense, unless your a figher, wrestler, or weight based athlete like that. Please explain?
Im abit confused on this also, you might wanna go back to the drawing board and think this thru.

On another note:
Is that you in the avatar JayC?
Ecke70 is right im just being realistic. I thought it would be better to bulk then cut rather than gaining slow. With my genetics i think my max is 170 at 8% so if i can gain 3lbs a year then thats 12 in 4 years. Or do you guys think its best for someone natty to gain slow and steady?
if you are concerned with staying lean...slow and steady wins the race.

if you want size (which will be a side effect of strength) ~12% bf is pretty optimal.
I do belive you can go bigger than 170 natty. but it will take time. judging from your current weight i would guess you have a hard time gaining weight, but its not impossible it will just take longer time..
Im abit confused on this also, you might wanna go back to the drawing board and think this thru.

On another note:
Is that you in the avatar JayC?

Yes.. got some new pics on my phone in the big mirror after training and figured out how to get them to my pc :)
I do belive you can go bigger than 170 natty. but it will take time. judging from your current weight i would guess you have a hard time gaining weight, but its not impossible it will just take longer time..

2 years ago I was 171lbs but not in great shape and I managed to cut to 150lbs in 8 weeks at around 13% so ive only gain a few pounds of lbm in the last 2 years.

So its not that I have a hard time gaining weight, I just have a hard time of gaining lean body mass, if I bulk I tend to gain a fair amount round the waist and my neck and face.

So maybe slow and steady is the best bet after all.
I'd try the diet and maybe throw in some sort of supplements. Depending on how "natural" your trying to stay, start basic with something like creatine and protein or go as far as trying different pro-hormones/test boosters. The biggest thing with a bulk cycle is that your trying to put on mass, not necessarily lean though. If you can deal with the fit fat look try bulking for a few more months. I'd wait until the beginning of April 09 to start cutting again. If you already managed to lose ~20lbs over 8 weeks you should definatly be able to do it again. The more mass your body has and the longer it has to work with it the more muscle you'll put on. With your goal i'd say take advantage of any mass you accumulate for as long as possible before leaning out. In the long run it will pay off. Not only will you start to see the muscle go on, but when you decide to bulk again you'll have an easier time doing it.