Feedback On IGF/MGF Cycle Needed ASAP


Eager to learn
Hey guys, thanks so much for all the help you provide in all aspects of training and supplimentation.

After reading what seems like every article written on IGF-1Lr3 and PEG MGF cycles I have concluded that the following will be best for a 4day training split:

Note: Every injection will be taken at 12PM. Each injection will be spaced 24hours apart.
The Length of the cycle is 6weeks.

Monday - Chest/Triceps-1hr Post workout PEG MGF 200mcg bilateral injection in Triceps
Tuesday - OFF -IGF 40mcg bilateral in Triceps
Wednesday - Back/Biceps -1hr Post Workout PEG MGF 200mcg bilateral in Lats
Thursday - OFF-Afternoon IGF 40mcg bilateral injection in Lats
Friday - Legs -1hr Post workout PEG MGF 200mcg bilateral in calves
Saturday - Shoulders -1hr post workout PEG MGF 200mcg bilateral in Delts
Sunday -OFFAfternoon IGF 40mcg bilateral in Delts

1.) Does this look about right?
2.) As of right now I will be using PEG MGF and IGF-1LR3. Is this OK?
3.) Any tips, tricks, suggestions or criticism? It is greatly appreciated.
I have done no research on peg mgf but am currently running LR3. Just curious why you are running it on your off days? From what I have read(and my personal experience) it's better to use immediately post workout. I am very happy with the results. I never found it to interfere with natural mgf production, just enhance it.
I have done no research on peg mgf but am currently running LR3. Just curious why you are running it on your off days? From what I have read(and my personal experience) it's better to use immediately post workout. I am very happy with the results. I never found it to interfere with natural mgf production, just enhance it.

i agree. I have done 3 cycles of IGF-1 LR3 and have found about 4-7lbs. increase in lean muscle with each 30 day cycle. I have pinned both before and after w/o ED and found no difference in gains. Because of the less-than-24hr half life of the IGF pinning it everyday is a MUST to keep consistent levels of IGF serum levels. IMO i have noticed an increase in vascularity when used pre w/o and on off days so I will stick to that protocol from now on.
Hey guys, thanks so much for all the help you provide in all aspects of training and supplimentation.

After reading what seems like every article written on IGF-1Lr3 and PEG MGF cycles I have concluded that the following will be best for a 4day training split:

Note: Every injection will be taken at 12PM. Each injection will be spaced 24hours apart.
The Length of the cycle is 6weeks.

Monday - Chest/Triceps-1hr Post workout PEG MGF 200mcg bilateral injection in Triceps
Tuesday - OFF -IGF 40mcg bilateral in Triceps
Wednesday - Back/Biceps -1hr Post Workout PEG MGF 200mcg bilateral in Lats
Thursday - OFF-Afternoon IGF 40mcg bilateral injection in Lats
Friday - Legs -1hr Post workout PEG MGF 200mcg bilateral in calves
Saturday - Shoulders -1hr post workout PEG MGF 200mcg bilateral in Delts
Sunday -OFFAfternoon IGF 40mcg bilateral in Delts

1.) Does this look about right?
2.) As of right now I will be using PEG MGF and IGF-1LR3. Is this OK?
3.) Any tips, tricks, suggestions or criticism? It is greatly appreciated.

take the igf1 every day, i rec 30-60mcg ed for 6-8 week cycles

MGF is over rated a bit i feel but let us know how you do.
Taking IGF Post Workout renders your body's supply of MGF completely useless. It makes sense to space them apart. MGF to multiply satellite cells, IGF to convert them into muscle.
I never found it to interfere with natural mgf production, just enhance it.

Did you get bloodwork that measured MGF levels in the muscle?

How do you know that it didn't interfere with natural MGF production? Or is that purely speculative?

Because the limited science on the topic says that IGF-1 essentially "shuts off" MGF's mechanism of action, so they can't both do their jobs at the same time.