Feeling worn down from Orals?


New member
How and why does this happen?

Also if you are feeling worn down from a build up of toxicity will this come and go or will you feel tired from there on out?

Ideally I would/will be running test but I have issues finding a source.
which is why you dont run orals without test...

come off and hop on pct immediately... u should know better brother..

what are you taking?? dbol?
I did three and a half weeks on Halodrol.

I took a three and a half week break.

I'm now 7 days into an Epistane cycle. Epistane seems to be stronger in terms of aggression.

I know there's a separate pro hormone forum but I thought this question was so general it would be suitable here.
I did three and a half weeks on Halodrol.

I took a three and a half week break.

I'm now 7 days into an Epistane cycle. Epistane seems to be stronger in terms of aggression.

I know there's a separate pro hormone forum but I thought this question was so general it would be suitable here.

orals(aas) shuts your natty test production hard, which is why injecting test is very important. with no test in your body results in the effects you have mentioned.

listen to 3j, get on pct and then get bloods done.
so youre on pro hormones..

i cant remember if haldrol suppresses natty function.. or epi... its not something im an expert in
feeling 'worn down' is extremely common with hepa toxic AAS compounds, orals and injectables (like tren).. if you run high dosages of these compounds, pretty much all you can do is sleep and train a little, lethargy can kick in bad. add to this that you have no testosterone because you did not run test as your base, its no wonder you feel like shit
Tren is not toxic its just a myth thats been regurgitated for many years orals are but 4-6 weeks is not gonna do irreversabile damage. This is a little iver a week after my competition taking tren and orals like halo and drol at doses you wouldnt dare touch. Ive been doing bloodwork for 3 years 2 were pretty much non stop tren so i may know a thing or two. Alcohol,, narcotics,, tylenol shit like that id be worried about and for fucks sake run some dam test. Completely normal to feel like shit on strong orals pretty much useless in normal life and only good to perform at what you train for.
depends on the dosage . every chemical compound on the face of the planet is toxic if you take a high enough dosage

I get what your saying guess i was lucky? Not once have i shown signs of toxicity exept my shitty attitude while on nor did i ever produce bad bloodwork were talking 3 years. Before my competition 100mg tren ace ed and orals wont talk about because it is frowned upon but it was exessive towards the end for maximum strength.

Ideally I would/will be running test but I have issues finding a source.

Orals are just hard on the body. The liver and kidneys take a beating. Some orals shut down natual test and will not aromatize and will crash e2. There are lots of sources, and you will not have to look for.