Female AAS. Girlfriend wants to start a cycle.


New member
Ive heard anavar and primo are good starting points for a female. How does PCT work with the female body. She is 25, been training for 8 years, and wants a lean bulk. Absolutely minimal sides and a healthy recovery for future pregnancy. Point us in the right direction please. Thanks
^i agree.

maybe even just do 5mg ed for this go around and see how she does and try a bit higher the next time.

no PCT for women.
Ive heard anavar and primo are good starting points for a female. How does PCT work with the female body. She is 25, been training for 8 years, and wants a lean bulk. Absolutely minimal sides and a healthy recovery for future pregnancy. Point us in the right direction please. Thanks

var, primo or sarms products work well for women. Sarms are legal at the current moment btw

Im not expert on women but im pretty sure they do need a pct somtimes.Not for same reason as men but they can sometimes experience estrogen rebound and depression after a cycle