few qs about dextrose


Iron Man
1) should i mix my dextrose in with creatine on days im not working out?

2) what does it taste like ? (ex water creatine and dextrose) what would that taste like (hope its k00laid :D)

3)i know im suppose to do lke 50 g of dextrose in with creatine after workout.. but how much water... 250 ml .. 500 ml?? (i usually just put creatine in my mouth.. and wash it down with a few sips of water )

4) would it be wise to have a jug of water / koolaid/ dextrose in the fridge... and just use it when i need it, and mix the creatine in (in the glass... not jug) when i take it?

post away :D
Dextrose is just sugar so it tastes sweet like sugar.
It tastes great in a protein shake. I always add my dextrose to my post workout shake.
It doesn't matter how much water you take it with.
Just make sure you are getting a 2:1 dextrose to protein ratio post workout.
And no, don't bother mixing it up ahead of time. It's just as easy to mix it up immediately.:)
Oh and to answer your first question, yes, I would still mix my creatine with dextrose even on non training days.:)
muahah thank you so much ... good to know now :D .. thuoght no1 was gonna answer :(

thanks again fyre .. just made 1 ... makes the shake taste sweet... :D