Few questions about Testing For Gear!


New member
Currently on my summer cycle, Winny,Test E, and Tren, And I got in some trouble, about a year ago, and making take some drug/alcohol treatment class, where they piss test for drugs mainly, but curious if my gear will be detected in there test? Which iam hoping not, becaues I want to finish through this cycle, any input or experience with this let me know thanks.

Ps. also taking NAC and Millk Thistle, what is your input on the milk thistle, some reviews people telling me you get less gains by using it, but Tren is pretty toxic so its worth to me, just curious if its true on the lose of gains, Input thanks
Unless they are specifically testing for peds nothing should be detected in a standard drug piss test.

Personally I would drop the milk thistle as it has very little benefit in way of liver protection and just up your nac, 1200mgs to 1800mgs per day should be plenty for liver support.
yup on cycle I take 3 capsules per day split into 1 with my first meal, 1 late afternoon, and 1 with my last meal.. Total of 1800mgs per day