few questions before first cycle. please help :)


Hi guys, just need to ask a few questions before I go out and buy some gear from RUI.
I havnt bought anything whatsoever yet but I plan on buying half my stuff next week and my test enanthate next month
Cycle plan - test e 15 weeks cycle 500mg per week

First question -
I noticed that liquidex is A LOT cheaper than armidex which has sounded alarm bells in my head. Is 1ml of ldex from rui the equivilent of 1mg of normal armidex? And is it legit?
I plan to have this on hand in case I develope any side effects related to estrogen but I don't plan on taking it unless I really need to
+ if I see early signs of gyno how would I go about using the ldex to combat it?

Second question -
I plan to buy 2 50ml (20mg/ml) bottles of nolva from rui for my pct (or 1 I can't work out the mg I get from a 20ml bottle). I have worked it out that for my full pct cycle I will need 840mg nolva for a 40/40/20/20, is this correct? Do I need 1 bottle or 2? The math is really confusing me lol

3rd and final question -
I'm going to the doctor on wednesday. Should I be straight up with him that I'm gonna use gear? What should I ask him and what should I get him to do with regards to blood testing and blood pressure? I live in the uk so do I get this for free?

Please please please can you help me out here guys, its actually a bit difficult finding some of this info on the web lol
I would greatly appreciate some help from you pros and I really need it :)

Thanks in advance guys.
first answer: yes adex is adex so 1ml is 1ml. The concentration is what matters.

second answer: take your concentration per ml multiplied by the ml and that is how many mg are in the bottle. Im not sure what ruis concentration is.

third answer: I would never recommend telling your doc but I am in the US not the UK so im not sure on that one.
For the doc parts you could tell him you're thinking about going a step further in your everyday training and want to make sure your health is in check before going more hardcore in the gym. This should be a legitimate excuse for blood test on:

lipid profile(Cholesterol and all these bad things)
liver panel(tell him you want to make sure your liver is still in good shape after all the supplements you took)

Also if your doctor dont mind AAS you could tell him but most of the time it's frowned upon. If you dont want to tell him there's no real way to get your Test,LH,FSH,Estrogen levels checked whitout raising red flags.

Edit: You could tell him you have low libido and have problem keeping an erection but checking your test levels would not be the first step.
Thanks for the info guys especially the answer frrom tod.
I think I'm gonna be straight up with my doc because what's the worst that would happen?
Regarding the nolva liquid, its 50ml 20mg/ml so does that mean I'm getting 1000mg in the bottle so I should have 160mg left? Or will that be 500mg?
I dont know UK law about AAS. I know doctors are suppose to keep everything private but make sure you know the laws about possession at least.

For the liquid it's that easy.

50ml x 20mg = 1000mg/50ml or 20mg/ml or 1000mg per bottles
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Thanks tod you have been a great help :D
Steroids are legal for personal use here in the uk as long as you don't sell it or give it to others your fine, otherwise its a class c. Normally class c drugs are still illegal and can be confiscated but steroids fall into some sort of sub section of the class...
1 more quick question if you don't mind bro, I won't start my cycle for another month, should I wait until then to get my bloodwork done or will now be ok?
Thanks again
Values should not change much unless you're taking special medication.

If you are young maybe you would see a bigger fluctuation(the system does not have an established baselines yet) but it all depends.