few upper body pics, week 9

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Debating on it, I dont feel like Im ready for aas, dont want to jump into something if Im not 100% ready. ph have their place imo and so far have kept me satisfied til im ready to jump on test. dont get me wrong id love to, just not ready.

Thats cool, to each there own bro, just do what u feel best, when the times right like u said, hop on some test
Like u, like me, everyone's physique is geared diferently, u more geared for powerlifting I take it

Yea I do a version of the kingpin box method. I don't know if you know who Lilley is but it's the method he uses. I put power movements in each workout and then add in support lifts.(Brandon Lilly)
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Yea I do a version of the kingpin box method. I don't know if you know who Lilley is but it's the method he uses. I put power movements in each workout and then add in support lifts.(Brandon Lilly)

Brandon Lilly is a beast. Didn't he just squat 925 for a double or something not long ago? Sucks about his injury though :(
Okay, I am favouring my right acl, seems like when I do any press like movementsits puts a lot of strain on my right acl, it gets better throuhout the routine but like today I really feel it aching
Like ots hsrd to explain but when I lift my right leg with toes on the ground and bend my knee it starts to ache on the right side of knee
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Nah! I just moved to gold's we have everything there. It gets a little crazy around 4 and 5 trying to get a good workout in its packed by then. The pussy is amazing though. We actually have 150lbdb's wich is nice my old gym only had 120's.
Okay, I am favouring my right acl, seems like when I do any press like movementsits puts a lot of strain on my right acl, it gets better throuhout the routine but like today I really feel it aching
Like ots hsrd to explain but when I lift my right leg with toes on the ground and bend my knee it starts to ache on the right side of knee

With which lifts? Do you do warmups? Previous injuries? Squats HELP knee strength...provided they are proper and full range of motion squats.
Figuring I was spending way to much time in the gym as well, overtraining, find I am in and out in an hour, and spent by the last routine
When I was doing squats in the rsck, not smith, it would hurt when I came down low
When I do seated ham curls as well
The trade I was in " refrigeration" doing grocery store installation snd welding on my knees doing cases did my knees in I believe
When I was doing squats in the rsck, not smith, it would hurt when I came down low
When I do seated ham curls as well
The trade I was in " refrigeration" doing grocery store installation snd welding on my knees doing cases did my knees in I believe

Are your knees in a straight line with your toes? If they cave in or out it will place unneeded stress on the knee. Knees to far in front of toes will also lead to a more acut knee angle.
As fsr as I know but ill try and make improvements next time I hit legs, thsnks
Just have to keep it light in the meantime, maybe higher reps, less weight?
Even when I walk now it hurt and put pressure on my right leg it aches
I dont now if its a genetic thing or what my dad has had 2 knee surgerys and same with my grandfather, so I dont know if its genetics or what
But my dad does rhe same thing as what I was doing more into the service end of things climbing up and down ladders all day long with drums of freon or whatever takes a toll sfter awhile
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