few upper body pics, week 9

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I still will say the same thing. Matt your own words and attitude do you in. Its hard not to get on a guy like you, and while I dont flame you because what you really are is an attention whore, one day all of this will back fire on you in a real n your face type of blow back.

If your humility was like your ego, dude youd have people going out of their way to help you in a big way. But you have not change one bit in the year I have been gone. Sad just damn sad.

Good luck to you
you're ridiculous.

Seriously they dont look real, your knees look way too small compared to your thighs unless your knees are around 8 inches around., they must be 30 inches plus and at 200lb at 5'10 that aint possible.

just post a picture like your others standing straight up and a full body.
Seriously they dont look real, your knees look way too small compared to your thighs unless your knees are around 8 inches around., they must be 30 inches plus and at 200lb at 5'10 that aint possible.

just post a picture like your others standing straight up and a full body.

you're annoying as fuck. there is nothing photoshopped on my pictures, stop being such a goddamn hater. jealousy is a bitch
you're annoying as fuck. there is nothing photoshopped on my pictures, stop being such a goddamn hater. jealousy is a bitch

I'm not jealous, I just think your pictures look odd, the sweep goes out so far that it looks like it couldn't possibly come back in to your hip properly.
All your leg pics are taken from the same odd angle
Take one of you standing properly with the camera facing you not angled down and include the calves.
Theres no need to get 'uppity' about it.
I'm not jealous, I just think your pictures look odd, the sweep goes out so far that it looks like it couldn't possibly come back in to your hip properly.
All your leg pics are taken from the same odd angle
Take one of you standing properly with the camera facing you not angled down and include the calves.
Theres no need to get 'uppity' about it.

I think thats a No. lol

Johnny bravo, you look like that cartoon figure bra
Thought I was looking at an animated johnny bravo when looking at your avi
Tell me where do u get those illusion mirrors at man?, or is it the same as looking into a car window putting an extra 20lbs on your figure?
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Johnny bravo, you look like that cartoon figure bra
Thought I was looking at an animated johnny bravo when looking at your avi
Tell me where do u get those illusion mirrors at man?, or is it the same as looking into a car window putting an extra 20lbs on your figure?

Jealousy is a bitch isn't it, you'll never look that good, very few can.

Confidence, not cockiness. Knowing who you are is confidence. Cockiness is knowing who you are and pushing it down everyone's throat.
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Post a real picture or dont, I couldnt care less.
Until you do, the doubt is there.

Hers a mirror for your next leg shot.
View attachment 556180

If you couldn't care less then why do you continue to ask him. Lil' man crush thing going on or what?

Not sure if Gram swings that way, but I'm confident that you could have Matt for a pack of cigarettes,...just say shut up Bitch in a firm Black mans voice, he will probably fold up in a ball on the ground, have prison flashbacks (enjoying them all in his own sweet terrified way) and he is all yours.
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If you couldn't care less then why do you continue to ask him. Lil' man crush thing going on or what?

Not sure if Gram swings that way, but I'm confident that you could have Matt for a pack of cigarettes,...just say shut up Bitch in a firm Black mans voice, he will probably fold up in a ball on the ground, have prison flashbacks (enjoying them all in his own sweet terrified way) and he is all yours.

If you couldn't care less then why do you continue to ask him. Lil' man crush thing going on or what?

Not sure if Gram swings that way, but I'm confident that you could have Matt for a pack of cigarettes,...just say shut up Bitch in a firm Black mans voice, he will probably fold up in a ball on the ground, have prison flashbacks (enjoying them all in his own sweet terrified way) and he is all yours.

Do his pictures look normal to you, the way the thigh sweeps out it doesnt look from the picture that it could sweep back in to tie in to his hip bearing in mind how small his waist is.
Again, he posts lots of variations on the upper body yet his leg shots are all the same, bloated, oddly sweeping with zero separation.
Do his pictures look normal to you, the way the thigh sweeps out it doesnt look from the picture that it could sweep back in to tie in to his hip bearing in mind how small his waist is.
Again, he posts lots of variations on the upper body yet his leg shots are all the same, bloated, oddly sweeping with zero separation.

Pumped with synthol
His bone structure doesnt match up to his physique, the reason why I mentioned wrist in a previous post cause its highly noticable he's a small boned guy, even his knees look funny looking at his leg shots
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