few upper body pics, week 9

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Pumped with synthol
His bone structure doesnt match up to his physique, the reason why I mentioned wrist in a previous post cause its highly noticable he's a small boned guy, even his knees look funny looking at his leg shots

His mirror shots look like he walks around at 240+, then u see a normal shot like him standing with his buddy in the pic, he looks his normal weight at 200lbs or less
Pumped with synthol
His bone structure doesnt match up to his physique, the reason why I mentioned wrist in a previous post cause its highly noticable he's a small boned guy, even his knees look funny looking at his leg shots
His one body shot of his abs, looks like his normal physique, I wouldnt doubt he is 10 to 8% bf, that being said his legs should be cut as well not bloated up quads
Gotta love those illusion mirrors
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Pumped with synthol
His bone structure doesnt match up to his physique, the reason why I mentioned wrist in a previous post cause its highly noticable he's a small boned guy, even his knees look funny looking at his leg shots

Definitely isn't synthol, its just the angle of the photo, there just isn't enough space left for that quad to tie back into the waist, it would have to be a foot longer.
Definitely isn't synthol, its just the angle of the photo, there just isn't enough space left for that quad to tie back into the waist, it would have to be a foot longer.

So you are saying he is posting fake shots. When there is another user that knows him personally and has stated he is as big as he looks.
What now, is that his second account to make himself look good?
So you are saying he is posting fake shots. When there is another user that knows him personally and has stated he is as big as he looks.
What now, is that his second account to make himself look good?

Look mate, do those leg shots look normal to you?
Have you ever seen legs like that anywhere else?

The guy looks phenomenal its not up for question, its just the leg shots dont look right, they certainly dont match his upper body.
Look mate, do those leg shots look normal to you?
Have you ever seen legs like that anywhere else?

The guy looks phenomenal its not up for question, its just the leg shots dont look right, they certainly dont match his upper body.

With His extremely narrow waste ab shot, I would not expect to see the width we see in his Avatar such wide lats and shoulders....But it is what it is. ?Guys built like a brick shithouse. Frigging monster thighs, veiny as fuck and apparently huge, I imagine most peoples knees would look a little smaller, and to top it off, the camera rarely captures everything the right way unless you are good with a camera and have an eye for it. shots are cut off, seeing the whole picture would surely put all the pieces together, but why does he have to prove anything, to you of all people when you refuse to post because of security risks.(which I'm sure is a joke, no one is that silly when and if you have no identifiable markings or face shots)
For all he knows, you are just some gay fellow (I have nothing against gay people) who has never lifted a day in his life who joined here to check out mens bodies....I'm just saying.
You could be using his pics and posting them on your perssonal blog because you are getting good feedback from them ,lol, I'm stretching it hah, but weirder things have happened :)
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edit...don't know why i replied to that post when I already did. Too bad too, my second reply was better I think. More PC
With His extremely narrow waste ab shot, I would not expect to see the width we see in his Avatar such wide lats and shoulders....But it is what it is. ?Guys built like a brick shithouse. Frigging monster thighs, veiny as fuck and apparently huge, I imagine most peoples knees would look a little smaller, and to top it off, the camera rarely captures everything the right way unless you are good with a camera and have an eye for it. shots are cut off, seeing the whole picture would surely put all the pieces together, but why does he have to prove anything, to you of all people when you refuse to post because of security risks.(which I'm sure is a joke, no one is that silly when and if you have no identifiable markings or face shots)
For all he knows, you are just some gay fellow (I have nothing against gay people) who has never lifted a day in his life who joined here to check out mens bodies....I'm just saying.
You could be using his pics and posting them on your perssonal blog because you are getting good feedback from them ,lol, I'm stretching it hah, but weirder things have happened :)

Thanks for agreeing with me, and I have posted my pics, real ones from the correct angles showing full body.
I aint no schmo lol
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