filtering question


New member
I'm filtering deca into sterile vials. I'm using a whatman 45 filter and after filtering every 10mls there is a substance left that looks like vaseline, some in the filter and even coming back up into the syringe a bit. what is it? The Deca came from IP china labs who it seems like half the poeple love them and half the people dont like them.
Thanks for the help, this is the first time i've ever had to do this.
That might be the hormone itself seperating from the solvent or oil.

Did the deca crash ?
sounds like the deca can look like vaseline when in its pure state. Get it all into a vial, mix with some of the oil you filtered, heat, and filter it into the final vial.
how can deca crash. i thought u didn't need any bb or ba in order to make them. but i just used the 2/20 ratio to for making the deca. as well as cyp.
but making the person didn't heat it well enough during one of the procedures.

this situation is a weird one.
Any hormone can crash bro... try making deca at 20000mg/ml... I guarantee you it will crash :D

Bottom line is this is chemistry, and because of that nothing works the same every single time. I mean, if it did, the regular pharmaceutical companies would never make an error, but even with the billions of dollars they have spend on QC and machines, they still make errors... in our puny little labs that we have, we are WAY more prone to little errors/mistakes. IP is no exception.

Sounds like the deca started to crash too... it should have been heated before you tried filtering it.

once its heated it wont crash in oil barring frigid temps, it is completely soluable in oil. sounds like it never melted to start with. make sure to heat til it completely clears. using hot water from a sink wont cut it either. use ahot plate on about medium and make sure its mixed thouroughly. deca is about 1250mg/ml in its raw state. :D
pullinbig said:
once its heated it wont crash in oil barring frigid temps, it is completely soluable in oil. sounds like it never melted to start with. make sure to heat til it completely clears. using hot water from a sink wont cut it either. use ahot plate on about medium and make sure its mixed thouroughly. deca is about 1250mg/ml in its raw state. :D
Nice, you point something out that many forget, and I looked over myself. If you dont get it completely in solution in the first place crashing CAN happen. Im not saying it will, but when you introduce a single solid grain of sugar into a super-saturated sugar get rock candy. All depends on temperatures, concentrations etc etc.
I already transferred it into sterile vials and baked it. In the entire 100ml there was maybe a tablespoon or so of that substance that was lost. What effect will that have on its potency?
that batch is fucked. hope you aint trying to unload it.

this is a perfect example for you new guys that trying a small batch first is a great idea when using hormones that you not totally familair with. and if you mess up deca, T enan or eq then you prolly not up to speed on home brew. . =0l
IP is a lab. the deca would have been a finished product.

were you just trying to ensure sterility by filtering it?
ld50 said:
IP is a lab. the deca would have been a finished product.

were you just trying to ensure sterility by filtering it?

damn i missed that. i thought he had powder. so ip labs dont know how to make deca. geez. if it crashed it wont deca. may have been some esterfied form of nandrolone but it wont straight decanoate.
DougoeFre5h said:
^ thats assuming...

- 0.8 is the correct specific volume
- The substance was in fact pure deca
- You meant tablespoon and not teaspoon
I was about to ask how you managed to convert a measure of volume (1 tsp = about 5mL) into a unit of weight (grams). Now I know.

My thought process is much more simple. If he had 10mL of solution in a vial and he lost 1 tsp, then that's about half that he lost. But I'm guessing that he didn't really loose half. Still, sounds like it is all fucked to hell.
I bought bulk oils in 50ml jugs from IP. The instructions were to filter it into sterile sealed vials and then bake it. that's what I did. Its the first time I've ever done that but lost a bit, hopefully not too much. I will tell you that this the first and LAST time I will ever buy homebrew. Not worth the worrying, time or hassle.
home brew is when you make it yourself, from scratch. if you had heated it first you prolly would have been ok, but you didnt.

bro you got shit now. it may be 50mg/ml. thats asumming it was 200 to start with. but you have no idea what you got. it may be straight oil. trash it and try again.
jonnym said:
I bought bulk oils in 50ml jugs from IP. The instructions were to filter it into sterile sealed vials and then bake it. that's what I did. Its the first time I've ever done that but lost a bit, hopefully not too much. I will tell you that this the first and LAST time I will ever buy homebrew. Not worth the worrying, time or hassle.
damn, IP has it easy. all he does is throw shit together, then has the buyer do all the grunt work.