
i just got some, haven't used them though...
they are in a fucking little ziplock, that means they are not sterile... WTF? now do i have to bake my shit?
it says its sterile on their site... how can it be sterile but not sealed????
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panteracfh said:
i just got some, haven't used them though...
they are in a fucking little ziplock, that means they are not sterile... WTF? now do i have to bake my shit?
it says its sterile on their site... how can it be sterile but not sealed????

Yep.....if you use the non-sterile filters, you have to bake/heat sterilize your solutions.

Unfortunately, Whatman has a back-order on thier sterile filters(been almost 6 months now), so from pretty much every kit supplier, you are going to be getting the un sterilized filters, until Whatman gets them back in stock(unless they are using the Millipores),

I just finally ran out of my supply of the sterile filters last week, and i know a couple of the other kit suppliers, have been out for a few weeks.

I was able to get sterile filters from Millipore, but they don't have the built in pre-filter like the Whatmans do, so they tend to clog up after only a few ml's pass through. So I am using the un-sterilized Whatman filters now.

This means you will have to bake your stuff after filtering.
they are titan filters so i thought that they would be sterile... because i knew whatman was backordered, so its not even an unsterile whatman... i got these because they said STERILE... if i knew i was gonna get unsterile filters i would of ordered off a site that had unsterile whatmans at least...
this is fucked up... whatman needs to get their shit straight or these other companies need to justmake good fucking filters and sterile/seal package them...
To be honest, I don't think Titan has a STERILE filter in their product line.

Millipore has sterile filters, but they are not very good.

Whatman has this back order problem at least once every year, but it has never been this long. They have been out of stock on the sterile filters since October.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but sterile filters do nothing to sterilize the prepared solution, they simply don't add anything unsterile to it. Baking is always necessary for sterilization of your solutions.
then thats bull sht. because i emailed them and they told me they were packaged and sterile if thats what they mean by packaged and sterile with a ziplock not getting my bussiness. i think ill wait for some whatman to come around.
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ld50 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but sterile filters do nothing to sterilize the prepared solution, they simply don't add anything unsterile to it. Baking is always necessary for sterilization of your solutions.

That is correct.

A sterile filter DOES NOT sterilize the solution.

Once the solution touches the inside of the filter, it is no longer sterile.
XBiker said:
That is correct.

A sterile filter DOES NOT sterilize the solution.

Once the solution touches the inside of the filter, it is no longer sterile.

Well the inlet side would no longer be sterile.......but since the filter media stops the bacteria, the outlet side is still sterile.

The filter, has been sterilized (meaning that there are no bacteria in the filter) as you run your solution through the filter, the bacteria from your solution is stopped by the filter media.......there is no bacteria on the outlet side of the filter media, because it was sterilized. your liquid exits the filter, it is bateria free.

If you want to be technical.....anything that has been run through a .2 STERILE filter, is technically sterile. Although I have been told by a microbiologist, that a .45 filter will remove pretty much all bacteria.
there are some bac that can passd thru a .22. but who hell wants to use a .22? there are ony a few that can pass thru a .45 and and not pass thru a .22. but anyway those that can pass thru a .45 are killed by the heat strelization. you should always bake and filter oily solutions regardless of what filter you use. aqueous solutions are different. i have posted these studies several times on several boards ansd always meet up with some resistance till i post the data. even some still believe BA will sterlize anything. BA dont kill bacteria. id50 is the only one who has taken the time to read the stuudies. he will tell you the same thing. it is an antimicrobial which inhibits growth at best. now is this to say that if you dont bake that you will get an infection? no. but the risk is higher. hell i know some guys who use 10-%ba with the pellets, let dissolve and draw off the gld and shoot. no filters, no baking. never had an infection either. i have had an infection of mex gear before that was at least 10% BA, as most are. that in itself dispells the BA myth.

so in summary all you home chemists, filter and bake all oily solutions for safe IMs. this is the most effective system available to us. is this necessary? is russian ruelette?
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I was always under the understanding that BA was a bacteriostat, and did not kill bacteria, but inhibited it's growth.
But i recently read a study, that says that BA actually kills bacteria.

I will try to locate that study, and post it here.
it does kill some gram positive bacteria. it is highly ineffective against gram negative bacteria though, these are found in the membrane walls of endotoxins. nasty stuff, miningitus and the likes. there are always a few exceptions to the rule but as a whole it is nothing but a preservative. it is a great water soluable solvent, the best for the money we have available. you can do wonders with BA and BB.

back to filters. they are not normally sterile. the solution that comes out the other end is prolly 95% sterile but the filters are not. even if they were they are contaminated as soon as you open the pack. 22s are a waste cept for water. you can push and push and push and for what? wasted time. use the 45s, much easier esp if you warm solution before filtering. not so hot as to damge filter but good and warm. i have run 100ml thru a filter many many times. you can go more but that is where i stop it. at 2 bucks a piece no need to get greedy. lololol