Fina cart seal peeling


New member
Got a couple fina carts and the clear plastic seal is cracking and peeling away from container. This is allowing air to get to the pellets. I was going to get some small plastic bottles like the ones that come with coversion kits and put the pellets in those and cap them up until I'm ready to use them. Is this O.K. for storage rather than leaving them exposed to air.

Anyone else have this problem with the plastic film peeling away? They're not expired so I'm not sure whats up?

The should be fine, if your worried just buy a ziplock baggie and put the pellets in there. How long were you planning on storing them?
Thanks for the reply DougoeFre5h. I wont use them for another few months so thats why I was wondering. Ziplock bags are a good idea.

Thanks for your help.