fina inj pain


New member
Hey whats up guys. I was wondering if tren is typicaly mildly uncomfortable for 2-3 days after inj? I made this stuff my self. I used a 4g kit wth 4g so the BA levels shouldnt be to high or anything like that. The kit i used was from fina farm and it had the .45 whatman syringe filters. Do these filters sterilize the fina. I have read conflicting net info on this. Some say the .2 filters sterilize while other sources have said that .2 micron filters are used with water based solutions and that .45 filters sterilize oil based solutions. What is the real deal? My body is using a batch he made and he says there is little pain after inj. I feel this shit for a while, it kind of burns what is up with that. I'm on day 16. This kind of shit makes daily inj a pain in the wherever i inj, even the ass.:confused: Is this just the price or can i improve this experience?
Thanks bro's
I used a kit from sciensupply and the injects are painless. THere is a little soreness for maybe an hour at most. I'm not sure I would depend on the whatman for sterilization. I baked mine in the oven, but there is conflicting views on that.

What size needle are you using to inject?
dam, i got a lot of pain too, just started it. got mine from mr. T whos a good bro....i talked to someone who had the same problem their first time (smart guy with AAS) he said after injecting it near the end of your cycle you ill hardley notice the pain anymore
I am using 25g 5/8 inch in the delts and biceps, while using 23g 1inch in the glutes. Like i said before i have heard reports of how little pain is felt from fina shots. That is why i am wondering what is the fucking deally yo?

Fuck last night i aspirated and got blood 3 times, i got a new pin and finally had success on the fourth try.
Hmm try the 1 inch needle on the delts and get some 1.5 inch for the glutes. it is possible your injecting to close to the outside of the muscle and it is causing the pain.

This happened to me on my first bicept shot, I injected very close to the edge on accident and the spot was sore for 2 days.