fina question

Does it make a difference on 37.5 mg ED or 75 mg EOD? What is the half life of tren? Will be stacking w/winny 50mg EOD.. Also, back when there was still real Parabolan around, it was in an oil base and I only injected once a week. Is there no one that produces a similar product? And lastly, can you inject the fina w/a insulin needle like the V?
- A lot more people will tell you that injecting Fina is better when administered everyday but I personally have done both, 75 mg ed and 150 mg eod, and I didnt notice any significant difference in gains.

- Unfortunately there doesnt seem to be a pinpoint replacement for the old Parabolan yet.

- I've never shot Fina with a slin pin. IMO it would take forever to shoot but I do recall seeing people post about shooting it with a Slin pin so go for it.