Finally joining the Darkside! Z test and dbol.


New member
What's up fellas, new to this board and gear but not new to training. I've paid my dues natty for a while, 25 years old, been training seriously for 2 years.

Stats are as follows

6'3, 200 lbs, bf around 15% I'd say.

Standing Overhead press-185

Prior to this point I got myself up to 230, but then due to some personal issues training and eating got put on the back burner and instead of pushing the heavy weights and food I leaned down to 190.

I just finished a training cycle of 6 weeks and gained 10 lbs naturally, and having read up on gear on this board and others for several months now I decided it's time.

Cycle is as follows:
Wk 1-4 Dbol 30 mg
Week 1-10 Test E 500 mg
Arimidex .5 mg eod

Plenty of support supps such as liv52, multi, fish oil, etc.

PCT will be clomid and nolva, and probably some natty test booster.

For my training routine I am a big believer in Bosshogg's principles, and worked with him in the past, and was at my biggest and strongest when working with him. So I am doing a slightly modded version of his basic template.

Diet is solid, plenty of meats, starchy carbs, veggies, big gainer shakes, and occasional junk food to get the cals in. I know how to put weight on natty so I certainly shouldn't have a problem putting it on geared lol!

I hit my first pin Tue, and will be doing my second inject tomorrow. All went smooth except noticed some cramping and soreness in my quad around the site, not bump or anything though.

I can undoubtedly tell Zs EP gear is legit, just a few days into it and my strength feels up, and I'm already a few lbs heavier, and can just tell the difference between the placebo effect, and this gear kicking in. Can't wait to see how I'm doing a month deep in this!

So here are my first two workouts thus far on this cycle, I will be updating this after each session.



Hammer strength wide chest press-335x12, 7, 6, 4=29. Addweight next time.
Seated smith ohp-195x10, 6, 5, 4=25 Add weight next time.
Weighted dips-100x12, 8, 7, 6=33 Add weight next time.
DB side lateral raises-ran the rack 10s to 25s than back down to 10s, hitting failure each time on the way down.
Leg press-675x13, 10=23 Add weight next time.
Calf raises 3 sets of 20



Close grip pull downs-235x13, 7, 6, 5=31 Add weight next time.
Hammer strength low row-385x12, 8, 6, 5=31 Add weight next time.
Deadlifts-315x9, 7=16 Add weight next time.
Hammer strength seated curl-155x11 followed by 2 strip sets to failure.

Basically what I do here on this routine is take 4 sets to failure with 1-2 min rest between sets on all movements except big leg movements and deads, and little assistance lifts, and have a goal of total reps to hit. Once I hit my rep goal I add weight next time, if not I shoot for more reps. It's all about beating the logbook and I've found this way of training to be a solid way of doing that.

I expect to be putting up some much better numbers by the end of this cycle!
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Thats awesome bro. I just started my cycle too. Im in 2.5 weeks. What you are feeling trust me is placebo effect I felt the same thing few days in but its impossible for it to work so fast :).

Goodluck will be watching this closely.:Poke:
Thats awesome bro. I just started my cycle too. Im in 2.5 weeks. What you are feeling trust me is placebo effect I felt the same thing few days in but its impossible for it to work so fast :).

Goodluck will be watching this closely.:Poke:

Thanks brotha, glad to have you aboard! Lol you are probably right, but at least I can be confident in the gears quality due to all the vouches on the board here for Z. Hope all goes well with your cycle too bro.
i mean it looks like you've put together an okay cycle but you're using gear and you're still working on almost all machines?

I mean you got deads in there but you should add some big compound movements like a full ROM squat, cleans, bench press, military press and stay away from the machines - even the smith. it will help your body develop better.

machines are great for accessory work and i think everyone should use them at some point - as long as you get your basics in. they just won't develop you like good, heavy sets of free weights.
Thats awesome bro. I just started my cycle too. Im in 2.5 weeks. What you are feeling trust me is placebo effect I felt the same thing few days in but its impossible for it to work so fast :).

Goodluck will be watching this closely.:Poke:

^^ very true its a placebo... im on my fifth week of test E and just now starting to feel it kickin in! ull feel the pumps for real in the gym in about five to six weeks. and i agree throw more free weights in there deff develop u much more that a machine!
i mean it looks like you've put together an okay cycle but you're using gear and you're still working on almost all machines?

I mean you got deads in there but you should add some big compound movements like a full ROM squat, cleans, bench press, military press and stay away from the machines - even the smith. it will help your body develop better.

machines are great for accessory work and i think everyone should use them at some point - as long as you get your basics in. they just won't develop you like good, heavy sets of free weights.

I'm no stranger to free weights, I hear what you are saying, of course free weights are superior to machines, but I also have weight dips and the db lat raises in there, and am doing leg presses for wheels, cause I would not be able to maintain recovery rotating push pull workouts with both squats and deads, I have leg presses in there to preserve my CNS and lower back. I like to have a good mix of both free weights and machines, free weights are of course superior but I like to have some machines in there for progression purposes. I think I'm gonna swap out the hammer strength press for a db incline though, cause looking at it now I think I could use more free weight.

^^ very true its a placebo... im on my fifth week of test E and just now starting to feel it kickin in! ull feel the pumps for real in the gym in about five to six weeks. and i agree throw more free weights in there deff develop u much more that a machine!

Yea lol sure it is, can't wait for it to kick in!
I'm no stranger to free weights, I hear what you are saying, of course free weights are superior to machines, but I also have weight dips and the db lat raises in there, and am doing leg presses for wheels, cause I would not be able to maintain recovery rotating push pull workouts with both squats and deads, I have leg presses in there to preserve my CNS and lower back. I like to have a good mix of both free weights and machines, free weights are of course superior but I like to have some machines in there for progression purposes. I think I'm gonna swap out the hammer strength press for a db incline though, cause looking at it now I think I could use more free weight.

Yea lol sure it is, can't wait for it to kick in!

i understand.

good luck with your cycle.
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Hammer strength wide chest press-345x12, 8, 6, 3=29 Goal passed
Standing military press-135x11, 7, 5, 4=27 Goal passed
Weighted dips-115x8, 6, 7, 5=26 Goal passed
DB lat raise-ran rack starting with 10s, worked up to 30s in 5 lb increments, then back down to 10s hitting failure each set.
Leg press-695x12, 9=21 Goal passed
Finished with 3 sets of calf raises

Swapped out the smith press for the standing military, I'd love to be able to overhead press 200 for a single by the end of this cycle.

Huge PR on the dips, hitting 2 plates and a 25, will be real happy once I'm hitting 3 plates.

Everything is going great, diet is on point, and I'm feeling and looking much fuller and pumped. No real side effects yet, noticing I'm sleeping much deeper and better, and libido is definitely up too, and I feel much more motivated to hit the gym.

Close grip pulldowns-240x11, 8, 5, 5=29 Goal passed
Hammer strength iso lateral row-405x8, 6, 5, 4=23 Must hit more reps next time.
Hammer strength seated curl-160x8 followed by 2 drop sets to failure. Must hit more reps next time.
Deadlifts-325x9, 7=16 Goal passed.

Steadily making strength gains. All is well thus far.

Hammer strength chest press-355x10, 8, 6, 5=29 Goal passed. +10 lbs
Standing military press-145x10, 7, 5, 4=26 Goal passed. +10 lbs
Weighted dips-90x12, 10, 8, 6=36 Decided to take some weight off these cause after my first set with 115 my joints felt like they were lagging and the reps didn't feel full ROM. Will work my way back up from here.
DB lat raises-ran the rack starting with 10s up to the 35s in 5 lb increments, then worked back down to 10s from there.
Leg press-725x12, 9=21 Goal passed. +20 lbs These felt awesome, nice and deep too, quads were on fire.
Calf raises- 3 sets of 15

Bodyweight is now 208. Looking and feeling much fuller, and at the same time leaner. Also noticed I'm recovering faster.
can u expalin this push pull routine for me? and Bosshogg's principles.. this is a new concept to me

Sure, it is definitely an unconventional way of training, but personally I have found no better way of putting on size and adding strength. Here is the original write up explaining it, credit goes to Bosshogg:

"Before I get started let me say that what Im laying out here is designed to put as much muscle on someones body as they can genetically handle as fast as possible. I am not a powerlifter or a competitive bodybuilder..........there are numerous tweaks that would be in order for one to pursue either of those goals. However, this program will get someone extremely close to the competitive level in either field if it is followed just the way I have it shown here.

I do not believe in isolation moves. Unless your rehabbing, advanced in age or in the final stages of prep.......I believe that isolation moves are complete garbage. The only thing I want someone using is the biggest, heaviest, ugliest, most painful compounds moves they can find. Heavy presses, heavy rows or pulldowns, squats and deads and thats it. In fact, Im still trying to find a way but if all I could have someone do is squats and deads, you would see some real monster crushers walking around. The problem with squats and deads is they wreak your CNS in a flash. Because of this, we need to take frequent breaks from these two movements and the next best thing is the heavy rows and presses.

Im not going to go into much detail about this right now but I dont care what program or routine your running, if your looking to pack on the muscle as fast as you can and your not pounding the protein, water and sleep........your playing games. Even more so with the way I have this structured. I dont have this set up to make you feel good, I have it set up for sheer size. Even if your getting 2x your bodyweight in protein every single day, drinking a more than a gallon of water and getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night, which are all prerequisites of this program, it WILL still beat you up fast.

It never fails, everytime I work with someone, the first few weeks they are like ''Man this is great!! Im loving the way this is making me feel!'' I call it the honeymoon phase. Its all good times until a month or so into it and they are already up 20+ pounds on all their lifts and their mentally just starting to realize what is happening to them physically. This is geared for extreme results, so does it makes sense that if you want something real extreme to happen to you, your going to have to do some pretty extreme things? Is 10 hours of sleep a night extreme? How about 500+ grams of protein a day?

If thats too much for you then maybe this isnt for you. Im just laying out here what I have found that works, as far as Im concerened, better than anything out there. Like I said, even if your pushing the protein, sleep and water like you never thought possible, most people can only go for a couple months TOPS, before they need some serious time off from the weights completely. Personally, I take 10 to 14 days off every 2 months or so.

Learning to identify overtraining is easy.......when you stop progressing, its time for a break. As long as the weights are going up every week, you are not overtraining. Most people who do this will need a break after 2 months. Some people can only go for a handful of weeks before they need some off time and a select few can go longer than 2 months but on average, most go about 2 months then a good week or two off is needed.

Ok, heres how it works.....

I only focus on the large muscle groups. So I want to find the biggest movement for each muscle group where I can use the most weight with and pound that one movement into the freaking ground for as long as I can.

Instead of hitting each bodypart one time a week, I have it split into 2 workouts where one is a Push Workout and the other one is a Pull Workout. So we are just rotating these two workouts with the same movements each time back and forth. I always want a day a rest in between each workout to help recover so we use a common split of Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday or Wednesday-Friday-Sunday........whatever fits your schedule the best, I just want to have a day of rest in between with the two days off at the end, this is very important.

Here is an example of what this would look like....


BACK/ARMS- Netural or Reverse Grip Pulldown
BACK/ARMS- Netural or Reverse Grip Row Machine
BACK- Bent Row
BACK- Deads


CHEST- Bench Press
TRICEPS- Close Grip Smith Bench
SHOULDER- Military Press
LEGS- Hack Squat

One thing you may have noticed, especially if you have seen this before is I have totally cut out any direct arm work. Im telling you right now.........if you want big arms, drop the arm work. I am completely phasing out any kind of curls, this is where the beauty of the reverse grip and netural grip pulldowns and rows come in. Even though the first two movements in WORKOUT 1 involve the back, by using a reverse and or a netural grip you are taxing the arm like no kind of curl ever could, from wrist to shoulder. These first two movements are actually there for your primary arm work, and trust me, you will know it as soon as you try it. I only want to use a standard double overhand grip {like a bench press grip} for the last one or two movements. This will be all back, as your arms are pretty much out of the equation at this point.

On all the movements we do except for legs and deads, I use 4 sets for a total of 30 reps. If we need to gear this towards a powerlifter, I just switch the 30 reps to a total of 20 reps. Heres what I mean by this, when I say a total of 30 reps, this includes all 4 sets using the same weight. So what I do is find a weight for each movement that allows me to get ''about'' 12 or so reps before I fail on the first set. Wait about a minute, then comes set number two using the same weight. I will usually get ''about'' 8 reps before I fail. I take every set to failure. Wait another minute then set 3 {using the same weight} I will usually get about 5 or 6 reps. The last set I might get 3 or 4 reps. This is a total of about 28 reps. The next time I do this workout I must hit 30 reps, then I up the weight. Rinse and repeat.

Like I said, I want someone resting ''about'' 1 minute in between each set, unless its squats or deads, then 3 to 5 minutes are in order. Now as far as the time goes between each bodypart, I want someone taking ''about'' 5 minutes. So after your Chest movement, take 5 minutes and just relax or start getting your Tricep movement ready to go. This is very important you take this time to regain as much energy as possible so you can give everything you have for that upcoming bodypart. Remember, your only doing 4 sets for each main bodypart, so I want absolute maximum intensity here. When your giving everything you have and each rep is life or death, then your going to be cheating yourself when it comes to the following bodypart if your not well rested. Forget all that business of jumping from one movement to the next at record pace. That whole idea of ''Well you got to keep your heart rate up...'' is bullcrap. You want your heartrate up then do your cardio, we are not talking cardio here.........we are talking about getting as massive as possible, and to do that we need as much energy as we can get.

I do not believe in pyramiding the weight for each set, all this does is confuse the ability to track progression. Find the weight you need for each movement, somewhere between 24 and 28 reps total for a 30 repper is fine, and progress on that weight with the same movement each workout until you hit 30. Next time add weight, then start all over again until you hit 30.

For the heavy leg movement and deads, I use just 2 sets. For all your big squats and squat type movements I usually have someone doing 2 sets for a total of 20 reps. Leg presses are a little different, I usually have someone doing 2 sets for a total of 40 reps. On a 20 repper squat movement you will need to find a weight where you completely fail at about 12 reps on your first set. At this point you will be on the verge of a heart attack, so take the next 3 to 5 minutes and rest in between your two sets. The last set your goal would be to hit 8 reps for a total of 20 reps. Hit 20 reps, then add weight next time.

For deads I usually have someone doing 2 sets for a total of 15 reps. So your first set your goal is to hit about 8 reps. Again, at this point you will be about to die, if your not........your screwing off. Give it 3 to 5 minutes, just like squats, in between your two sets. The last set your going to shoot for 7 reps to hit that 15 reps. Hit 15 reps, then add weight for next time.

Speaking of squats and deadlifts, there are several things I have to warn you about. You can see in the routine that I do not run squats and deads together, its too much. If your doing squats for your leg movement then I dont want someone running deads on back day. I would rather see you using T-bars rows or some other kind of big heavy row. And if your running deads on back day then for your leg movement I would rather see you doing leg presses, hack squats or some sort of squat machine. Doing squats and deads in the same rotation is just too much on the CNS and you WILL burn out with the quickness. Trust me, I have spent years putting this all together every which way you can think of to make it as effective as possible and deads and squats together = CRASH.

The way this is set up you are pushing the envelope of overtraining like nothing else. We are constantly on the verge of overdoing it even with the extreme food, water and sleep.........if any one of these is off just a little bit, your pretty much toast. What I have people do though to avoid burning out too quickly is to skip deads or the heavy leg movement every few weeks. When you start getting to the point of dreading squats or deads, overtraining is just around the corner. I want to ward off this inevitable burnout and keep making gains as fast as I can before I need to take a break. The best way to keep going forward is to skip these monster crusher movements every once in awhile. This will also help keep your focus and keep you looking forward to the next squat or deadlift day instead of dreading it. Its always about keeping that mental edge.

Just a few more things then Im going to wrap this up. I pretty much covered this earlier but as far as when to change up your movements go, do it after a break. 90% of trainers will be able to progress on each movement they choose every single workout for ''about'' 2 months before they start start to stall out. As soon as you can no longer get past a certain rep number with a certain weight, change that movement. Dont just sit there for weeks on end pounding your head into a brick wall going nowhere. Get a new movement. When you are stalling out all across the board {which will usually be somewhere around 2 months} take a good week or two off and when you come back to it, change up all your movements so when you come back everything is fresh. Even if you were still progressing on a movement, after a break is a good time to switch that out........again, I want to keep everything fresh, its that whole mental aspect.

You should be doing this anyway, but if your not using a log book, you will never be able to track your progress. Every workout write down your weight and reps so you will know what you have to do next time in order to progress.
Once you get a feel for this way of training, rep ranges can be individual, and you can add in some extra volume for lagging areas or parts you want to specialize on.

In my case I want to add more width to my delts, hence the lat raises.

Above is the original write up, and here is the updated version, with less volume focusing mainly on squats and deads. I highly recommend this way of training, and as said have found no better way to progress and beat the log, and Bosshogg walks the talk, sits around 280 hard, and squats and pulls 500+ like it's nothing.


Ok, Ive been talking about this for awhile, but I had to wait for a number of things to happen before I could post this up. First of all, Im my own guinea pig, and fortunately my genetics are average at very best, (Personally I think they suck big fat dick, but Im trying to be positive here.) so whatever works pretty good for me, seems to work just as well if not great for most others. The second thing to consider is that Im not going to post a routine or program up without shooting holes in it on a daily basis and trying every possible angle to see which set up is the most efficient. Dicking around with this aspect of the program is always the most time consuming. Next thing up is that it takes at least 6 months to a year to run it through a number of people to make sure that the results are duplicatable. Once I know that, then I want to evaluate the progress of the people using it and compare it to the program I have originally posted. it better??? After about 2 years of messing around with it, I would say, hands down. For quite awhile I was pretty sure that this was going to be the advanced version of what I had posted in the original program and it would really only benefit those that had reached a certain level in the amount of muscle their bodies were able to carry. Well, it just so happens that after putting a number of guys who were relatively new to bodybuilding/weight training on this setup, I began to see that they were making better gains than ever. Im convinced that this will work better than anything (I know, I know........Im a cocky, arrogant, egotistical jerk right?............never heard that before ) for putting as much muscle as possible on the body.

For anyone interested in running this program, Mondugal will be here to help out as much as possible and I will do my best as well. Feel free to ask Mondo anything. Trust me guys, he wants nothing but the best for all of you. You wont find a guy with a bigger heart anywhere.

Now, with that being said, here comes the disclaimer..............For those of you who want to go and do things against against what I have outlined in regards to sleep, eating and taking time off to recover............if your not getting the gains you expected, I dont even want to freaking hear about it. Believe it or not, Mondo would take a bullet for ANY one of you, but if your looking for his help and he takes you in and spends a bunch of time with you to help you really fine tune things only to find out that your only getting 5 or 6 hours of sleep, but you just 'didnt bother telling him that', say about 10 emails or pm's ago, dont be shocked if you get a character assessment from the man.

I know many of you are already familiar with the program that is currenty posted, so what Im going to do is go right into the meat of the modified version and then I will explain how and why it works the way it does.

You've all heard it for decades, if you want to get big, you have to squat and deadlift. Well this program is specifically designed around those two movements in particular because they are the end all, be all to building muscle mass. However, this time around we are only using 3 movements on PUSH DAY and 3 movements on PULL DAY. The way I had it set up before was very draining and demanding because we were using much more over all volume with 4 movements on both PUSH and PULL DAY. Well because of that, we were never really able to fully capitalize on the squat/deadlift combination because with the 3 movements before the squat or deadlift, we were already starting to tap into the CNS because the movements were still always big compound movements, and when you couple those with squats or deads with the frequency we were using them, it was just too much to handle and you would quickly burn out.

This is why I never wanted someone to run squats and deads in the same rotation of was too much. Ive always believed that we can grow much quicker if we structure the frequency of the body parts trained so we are hitting them more than once a week, but with lower volume. Different programs in the past have used a similar setup to the every other day type of training where you just take the two different workouts and flip flop them back and forth every other day. DC training really brought this into the spot light years ago and I think that with the right combination of frequency/volume.........this kind of split is really ideal.

So what Ive done to be able to run squats on one workout and deads the next, is to eliminate one of the other movements on that particular day to give our CNS just enough breathing room to be able to recover just enough to be able to handle the two movements in the same rotation. For example, before I had you doing this for PUSH DAY........

4 sets for 30 total reps for a big Chest Press
4 sets for 30 total reps for a big Tricep Press
4 sets for 30 total reps for a big Shoulder Press
2 sets for 20 total reps for a big Leg Movement

Ok, if we were going to run squats for the big leg movement, then we could not run deads at the end of PULL DAY, because experience has shown us that after just a few weeks, burnout sets in and gains come to a grinding halt. So it was always one or the other, never both. So we were not really losing out so to speak, but we were not reaping all the benefits we could if things were modified to be a little more efficient.

So what I did was eliminate the least efficient movement in PUSH DAY, for most people thats going to be shoulders. The reason I say this is because between your big chest press and your big tricep press, your shoulders are going to get all the stimulation they will ever want, believe me. If you guys are looking to put on some serious muscle, you are going to have to get out of the mind set of ''targeting specific muscle groups''. Thats not how the human body works. All of your muscles are connected to each other, so by using the most basic compound movements that recruit the most muscle fiber, (movements that allow the greatest range of motion with the most amount of weight) the most amount of muscle will grow.........and thats not limited to specific parts of the body.

Now for some of you, ditching the tricep movement and just doing a big chest press, followed by a shoulder press will be your best bet. Think about it............either way, your tris and shoulders are getting plenty of stimulation from your chest press alone. So basically it comes down to this............can you smith machine military press more than you can close grip bench press? If the answer is yes, then just do the big shoulder press after your chest press and your tris will be just fine. I just want you using the movements that you can use the most weight with, that still include the bodyparts that we are hitting that day. Im going to leave it up to you as to with movement you want to use, be it shoulders or triceps after your chest press. Either way, after the chest press and your other chosen movement (shoulder or tri) the one you did not chose will get all the work it needs between the two presses you just did. The chest, tricep and shoulder are all so inter-connected, the difference will not be great. I always tell someone when we are picking out their movements............which is more important to you, shoulders or tris? Which ever one you want more of........go with that one. The difference wont be much. Just do whichever one YOU want.

So instead of doing the 4 movements we were doing before, PUSH DAY now looks something like this (the movements you chose may vary. Just think BIG COMPOUND MOVEMENTS)...........

Incline Bench Press
Smith Close Grip Bench Press

Thats it! If you think you need more than that, your lifting like a freaking girl. Now because we are doing squats on PUSH DAY and deads on PULL DAY, we need all the recovery we can get, so instead of using 30 total reps for our goal, Ive lowered that to 20 total reps (less taxing the CNS). The side benefit to this is that I found out that most people are responding better to 20 total reps instead of 30 anyway. This slightly lower rep range is inherently better suited for muscle mass gains due to the heavier weight we can now use as opposed to using weights that we did in the 30 rep range goal. Squats and deads will keep about the same rep range. 2 sets of 10 to 15 reps..........whichever rep scheme works best for YOU.

So PUSH DAY will now look like this........

Incline Bench Press....4 sets for a total of 20 reps
Smith Close Grip Bench Press....4 sets for a total of 20 reps
Squats....2 sets for a total of 15 reps

Ok, on to PULL DAY. Before on PULL DAY we were doing 4 different movements. Again, to accommodate squats and deads being run together without burning out, we need to eliminate the least efficient movement. We used to do.........

Reverse or Netural Grip Pulldown
Reverse or Netural Grip Row
Standard Grip Row
Standard Grip Row

Now this setup did very well for working the arms, lats and back, but as long as we were doing squats on PUSH DAY, we could not do deads on PULL DAY because we would overtrain far too quickly with the amount of volume we were doing. So to cut down on the volume and get the full benefit of deads and squats together (the ultimate muscle mass combination) we need to get rid of something here. Since these are all pretty much pulldowns and rows, I really dont care which one you want to ax, as long as you keep the first movement a reverse or netural grip pulldown. This way, we can still get the lats and arms plenty of work.

Im not real worried about the back here because your deads are going to take care of your entire back, along with pretty much everything else. So in order to finish off your arms, we can do one of two things..........a reverse or netural grip row or a ..................get ready for this....................a big curl!!!! Thats right........I said curl!!!!!! There..........I hope all you pussies out there are finally got your stupid curls!!!!! Now quit hounding me about it!!!!!

Seriously, the reason Ive done this is because the constant pounding of the deads and squats back to back is going to take a toll on you like your not going to believe, so any form of relief is going to do better for you in the long run. Now with that out of the way, Im going to tell any of you guys who have been lifting for less than 5 years or so............stick with a reverse or netural grip pulldown and then a row instead of a curl. Your going to be much better off. I dont want any newbies crying to me or Mondugal that their arms are not growing after a few months of this if your doing curls. If youve already got an 18+ inch arm, then you can have your curls...........if not, stick with the pulldown and row. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! Someone who is newer to weight training is going to be alot more resilient to CNS burnout than someone who is more advanced because they cannot lift as heavy as an advanced trainer. Its the weight that crushes the CNS.

So now our PULL DAY is going to look something like this.......

Reverse Grip Pulldown....4 sets for a total of 20 reps
Netural Grip Seated Row....4 sets for a total of 20 reps
Deadlift....2 sets for a total of 15 reps

Anyone new to this or anyone who is confused about the 20 reps, it goes like this...........

I want you to pick a weight where you will fail at about 17 reps. So with whatever movement your are doing, you chose a weight that has your sets looking something like........

Set 1....7 reps
Set 2....5 reps
Set 3....3 reps
Set 4....2 reps

thats 17 total reps with the same weight on the bar. We dont pyramid the weight or doing anything else. We use the same weight for that movement until we hit 20 reps and then we add weight again to knock us back down to about 17 reps. Hit 20, add weight.......hit 20, add weight........hit 20, add weight. Keep doing this for as long as you can. If you go for 2 or 3 workouts and you cannot get past your previous rep number with that same movement, then its time to switch that movement out for another one.

All I want you to do is find 3 to 5 movements where you can progress in weight for 6 to 12 weeks. Once you have those core movements that work best for YOU, you can pretty much progress indefinitely............certainly for years.

Your only going to train for 3 days a week, rotating the 2 workouts back and forth. I dont care what days you train, whatever fits your lifestyle the best. You can do Tues-Thurs-Sat or Mon-Wed-Fri or Thur-Sat-Mon. However you chose to do it, and whatever big nasty, brutal compound movements you chose to use, its going to look like this..........

Incline Bench Press....4 sets for a total of 20 reps
Smith Close Grip Bench Press....4 sets for a total of 20 reps
Squats....2 sets for a total of 15 reps

Reverse Grip Pulldown....4 sets for a total of 20 reps
Netural Grip Seated Row....4 sets for a total of 20 reps
Deadlift....2 sets for a total of 15 reps

Just rotate the two workouts back and forth every other day, taking 2 days off at the end to help recover. The single, most important goal is to beat your reps or your weight from the previous workout until you hit your rep goal, then add weight. Dont go ''changing things up''...........dont go worrying if your arms are not ''sore'' the next day............dont go weighing yourself every week to see if your getting bigger................STOP PLAYING FREAKING HEAD GAMES!!!!!!! Just get stronger!! If your getting stronger, your going to get bigger. Quit worrying about this crap if your doing this and that, move more freaking weight than you did last time............period!

Its 3 movements, 3 times a week. Thats it. If your in the gym anymore than 40 minutes, your jacking off.

Just a few more things and then we are done. Does it make sense to you that if you want to get some radical results in whatever your trying to do, then your going to have to put forth some radical effort?? Do you think 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night is radical? Do you think your so special that you can get 5 or 6 hours of sleep each night and have your training not catch up with you? Listen.........this whole program is centered around the two most demanding, bone crushing, muscle building movements there ever has been or ever will be. If you go out there and treat your two little piddly, measly sets of deads and squats like if you didnt get one more freaking rep after you already thought you were going to pass out, then I was going to take a broomstick to your sweet little grandma's mommy you think you could get another rep??? I bet you could. I also bet that if you go at this with that kind of mentality, your going to crash and burn in about 2.5 weeks. GET YOUR SLEEP!!!!!

You wanna look like a bodybuilder?? Quit playing sit and spin on your thumb and start treating this like your serious! Is eating 2x your bodyweight in protein every single day of the year to hard??? poor thing. Does your little belly hurt?? Go back to your flys, curls and kick backs then, cause this aint going to work for ya. If you want to look like a bird, then keep eating like one. You want to look like a Bulldozer..........then start eating like one.

Listen guys........this sounds all cool and ''hard core'', but Im telling you, squats and deads back to back, 3 times a week will have you heading for the hills in under 4 weeks if you dont have your food and sleep in check. Even if your eating like a beast and sleeping like a baby, its not enough. I dont care how many drugs your taking or how much food your eating, those two big gut wrenching movemnts are going to burn that CNS out in a flash if we dont chill out every 4 or 5 weeks.

Heres what I want you to do, every 4 or 5 weeks.........take a week off. Please, if you ignore everthing Ive said up until this point, please listen to me. If you run this program the way I have it set up, your going to blow up, I promise. I know you dont like the idea of taking time off, but you have to realize that we do not grow in the gym, we grow when we are out. When we are sleeping........when we are eating, and when we are taking time off.

I dont care if your all pumped up and excited and week 5 rolls around and you feel like a million bucks, take a week off. Grow. Trust me, You think Im putting all of this out here so I can make myself look bad? I want the best for you guys. I want you to get the gains you guys deserve, but you got to stop lifting with your hearts and start lifting with your brains. Use logic. Ive been seeing real great results with this. I know it sounds simple and its probably going to kill you thinking that your going to be out of the gym in just 40 minutes only 3 days a week, but once you get past the honeymoon stage where its all new and fun and cool becuase your doing something different, week 4 is going to roll around and your going be be thinking ''WTF am I doing!?! This sucks!!! I feel like Ive been run over by a freaking train!!'' This is going to beat you up, its going to suck, and after awhile, those 40 minutes 3 times a week is going to seem like hell, but you know what?? Its worth it. Stay the course. I dont know how bad you want this, but if your willing to do what it takes, I dont know of a better way to cram as much muscle on your frame as it will possibly handle.
Everything is on track, weighed in at 210 today and feel like things are starting to kick in. Feeling good and noticed I have a much better sense of well being than normal. Libido is way up and I find myself macking chicks whenever the opportunity presents itself lol, even got myself a few dates lined up today!

Hitting pulls tomorrow.
Looks good bro! I would have stuck with just test for your first cycle but you're already in it and sounds like its going great, im anxious to hear from you in weeks 5 and 6 when your really feeling the gear, id like to know how Z works out cuz I'm thinking of ordering for my next. Where r u located at?

Close grip pull downs-245x8, 6, 4, 4=22 Must hit more reps next time.
Hammer strength iso lateral rows-405x11, 8, 6, 5=30 Killed these! Can't wait to be up to 5 plates per side!
Hammer strength seated curls-235x13 followed by 2 drop sets. Lowered these a bit and will build back up.
Deadlifts-335x9, 6=15 Goal passed.

Steadily progressing and growing!
Looks good bro! I would have stuck with just test for your first cycle but you're already in it and sounds like its going great, im anxious to hear from you in weeks 5 and 6 when your really feeling the gear, id like to know how Z works out cuz I'm thinking of ordering for my next. Where r u located at?

Thanks bro. I hear you, even though I have never ran "real gear" I've messed with superdrol and epistane in the past so I figured I'd be able to handle the dbol just fine. I do believe in keeping things simple though which is why I am just sticking with the bread and butter test and dbol. I can' wait too bro! So around 5 weeks or so is the sweet spot?
Sometimes I find my mind playing tricks on me cause even though I know this gear is legit I keep wondering when the real gains are gonna kick in. Right now though I can tell something is up cause I feel far more aggressive and can tell I am just not myself ( in a good way lol). Also my lifts are steadily going up and I'm up 5 lbs already, so we will see where it goes. I'm in out here in Vegas.

Hammer stregnth chest press-360x10, 7, 5, 4=26 Goal passed +5 lbs
Standing military press-150x9, 7, 6, 4=26 Goal passed +5 lbs
Weighted dips-95x11, 8, 7, 6=32 Goal passed + 5lbs
Ran the rack on the DB lat raises up and down
Leg press-745x13, 10=23 Goal passed +20 lbs
3 sets of calf raises

Everything is still on track and g2g. PWO bodyweight 212.

Great workout, killed the leg presses, knees to chest each rep, had to limp over to the seated calf raise lol. All other push movements are progressing well too.

Sides, noticed I have been a little irritable but due to my awareness of it I keep it in check and maintain a calm demeanor. Still feeling good and noticed I'm starting to look fuller and harder, filling out my shirt more.

Got myself a hot date tonight too, and hope to put the increased libido to use ;)