Finally joining the Darkside! Z test and dbol.

Well boys the test must be kicked in full bore now cause I weighed in today at just over 220! So I'm up 20 lbs now!

Can't wait to kill my pulls tomorrow, gonna have to redeem myself with 405 on the deads, got myself a nice new pair of straps too.

@Wclark, got your message bro, we will have to see about getting a session in sometime.
Yesterday's pulls

Close grip pulldowns-265 (only 2 plates away from the stack!) x10, 8, 7, 5=30 +5 lbs
Deadlifs-arrrrggghhhhhh! Warmed my way up to 405 but decided to be the bigger man and let them ride cause out of nowhere my lower back on the left side started acting up. Hoping this is something I can train through and not around cause I really want to rep out 405 here soon!
Hammer strength iso lateral rows-435 (running out of room for plates lol) x10, 9, 8, 5=32 +10 lbs
Alternate db curls-started with 55s x10 and worked my way down, ending with the 15s to failure. Making good gains on these, the 55s felt like nothing!

Push day tomorrow, can't wait! Gonna hit 4pps on the hammer chest press and 2 plates on the dips! Almost up to 185 on the standing military too!
Destroyed it!

Hammer strength chest press-405x13, 12, 12, 11=lol guess I need to add more weight! +10 lbs
Standing military press-175x6, 6, 5, 4=21 These are getting a little hard, going to increase my rep goal to 25 from 20 to keep progressing.
Weighted dips-135x8, 7, 6, 5=26 +10 lbs yea buddy 3 plates!
Leg press-855x12, 11=23 +30 lbs! Lol I need to brush up on my math cause I ended up adding too much, but apparently it was not a problem.
Calf raises 5 plates x20, 6 plates x12, 7 plates x10
DB lat raises-ran the rack 40s x10, 30s x10, 20s x10, 10s xfailure.

Pwo bodyweight 219.4 I'm sure it won't long before I hit 230.
Closegrip pulldowns-270x8, 6, 5, 4=23 +5 lbs getting heavy, almost up to the whole stack!
T bar rows-225x9, 7, 6, 5=27 Just started this. The left side of my lower back still feels a bit tweaked, albeit not as bad, but until I feel 100 percent on it I'm gonna have to avoid deads. Pisses me off cause I really wanted to rep out 405 on them, but hey could be worse, could be seriously injured.
Hammer strength iso lateral rows-445x9, 8, 7, 6=30 +10 lbs lol running out of room for plates on this, soon will be maxing it with 5 plates per side!
Alt db curls-started with 55s x12 (+2 reps) and worked down to 10s to failure.
Then I decided I need to work on my forearms. Did 2 sets of 10 with 40 lbs of reverse one arm cable curls. Gonna finish off with these from now on.

Upon waking and depleted I'm weighing around 219, but by the end of the day I'm breaking 220 with ease and getting up to 224 or so.
Hit a milestone PR!

Ok short sweet one yesterday!

Hammer chest press-415x12, 10, 9, 7 +10 lbs
Standing military press-185x5, 5, 5, 5=20 +10 lbs
Weighted dips-135x8, 7, 6, 6=22 Will improve next time.

Ok so for the first time ever I repped 185 on the standing military press! No leg drive or anything. This used to be a PR for a single!

I got to hitting it off with some chick doing deads next to me so I took a lot of time between sets, so that's probably why the reps stayed the same. Can't wait to hit 200 , that has been a goal of mine for a long time!

My dips lagged a bit probably because I didn't eat too well preworkout, and the 185 hit my shoulders pretty hard, but I'm sure I will do better next time.

Due to time constraints and being a bit tired I skipped my other movements to aid recovery.

Pulls tomorrow.
Another milestone PR!

Closegrip pulldowns-270x9, 7, 6, 5=26 +3 reps
Deadlifts-405x5, 3=8
Hammer iso lateal row-455x9, 8, 7, 5=28 +10 lbs
Alternate db curls-60s x10 +5 lbs per db. Ran the rack down to failure with 50s, 40s, 30s, and 20s.
One arm reverse cable curls-40 2x15

BIG PR on the deads! Always wanted reps with 405, and probably had a few more in the tank. Before never hit this for more than 2 ugly reps. Glad to have stepped up on the db curls too, and have the iso row fully loaded with plates now lol!
I'm really liking this log thus far! Keep it up! Where is your weight at now?

Thanks brother, I belive I am still sitting steady around 220 but the strength gains are still consistent.

Will weigh myself Thursday before my next session to confirm.

I bumped up my cals today and am now going to pound the food more.

230 is my goal right now, and it will be done!
Thanks brother, I belive I am still sitting steady around 220 but the strength gains are still consistent.

Will weigh myself Thursday before my next session to confirm.

I bumped up my cals today and am now going to pound the food more.

230 is my goal right now, and it will be done!

You are still pushing towards the middle of your cycle correct? If so I see no reason you shouldn't be able to creep up to 230, I'm not convinced all of the weight gained this far is LBM (lean body mass) at the moment though, but I'm sure the weight you put on from here on out will be the weight you'll appreciate even more! Keep it going strong, will you be logging the stats on your PCT?
You are still pushing towards the middle of your cycle correct? If so I see no reason you shouldn't be able to creep up to 230, I'm not convinced all of the weight gained this far is LBM (lean body mass) at the moment though, but I'm sure the weight you put on from here on out will be the weight you'll appreciate even more! Keep it going strong, will you be logging the stats on your PCT?

Yea I'm still only 5, maybe 6 weeks in. I totally agree, I'm sure some of this weight is water retention. Good call, now it's all about the dry gains. All the more reason to push the food hard now!

Thanks brotha, yea I'm gonna keep logging.
Loving it bro! I don't want to come off!

Great to hear, quite frankly it's on one the strong reasons as to why I'm following your log! Glad you're digging it! But besides that you got a sweet log going on buddy! Weight update later correct? Stoked to see where you stand rise or fall in weight buddy!
Great to hear, quite frankly it's on one the strong reasons as to why I'm following your log! Glad you're digging it! But besides that you got a sweet log going on buddy! Weight update later correct? Stoked to see where you stand rise or fall in weight buddy!

Thanks brotha! I'm glad to have you along for the ride.

Bodyweight today was 220.4 first thing in the morning depleted so that is a great sign. 225 is right around the corner since I am bumping the cals. I was waking up and weighing 218 or so depleted and would break 220 later in the day full.

Todays training went well too.

Hammer strength chest press-425x11, 9, 8, 6 +10 lbs
Standing military press 185x6, 5, 3, 6 same. Stalled on the 3rd set and then the savage came out on the last one, I know I am capable of more, and am just going to play with this weight for a while before moving it up.
Dips 135x6, 5 Blah, stalling on these, thing they are starting to beat me up a bit. So I'm going to lower the weight and focus on higher reps for now. I then hit 90x10 good deep ones for a back off set.
Leg press-865x12, 11 followed by 6 pps x10, 4 pps x10, then 2 pps x10 oh yea quads were done after this! +10 lbs
3 sets of calf raises.

Lol it was awesome on my last set of military presses a hot trainer that is a figure competitor, along with one of her clients were just watching me in awe cause I got real intense on it and made sure to own that weight after only getting 3 reps on the 3rd set. Don't want to stroke my ego here or anything but it is really cool when you get those looks, shows your hard work is paying off and being noticed!

Just snapped this, back is coming along nicely
Ok so some lifts are finally starting to stall, which is completely understandable.

I only got about 2 weeks left to go on this cycle before I start cruising, I believe in 8 weeks hard training, 2 weeks lightening up and giving the body time to recover. So the solution for now will be to keep blasting the lifts that are making progress, and lighten the weight and increase the reps on the ones that are stalling. Right now the dips and pulldowns, and hammer strength rows are the only ones I feel the need to drop the intensity a bit. Other than that all is well.

Pull downs-280x5, 5 from here just hit a few drop sets to failure cause I realized this is my sticking point for this lift.

Deadlifts-405x6, 5 +=11 +2 reps, very happy with this!
Hammer iso laterla rows-405x12, 8, 6, 7=33 increased my rep goal to 35 instead of 25 and kept the reps strict.
Alternate db curls-50s x13, then 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s, all to failure.

Still making decent progress. Like I said as of now the only lifts that I can feel plateauing are the pulldowns, dips, and hammer rows so I'm just kind of going instinctive on them and will keep pushing the weight on the other lifts. After my 2 week cruise I will start another routine with new lifts but for now I will ride this out til my 8 weeks is done then take it easy for 2 weeks afterward.

I've put a sh!tload of weight on these lifts as you all have seen so I am not even tripping about the stalls I'm experiencing thus far.

Also, very happy with the deads, feels so good to rep out those 4 pies like that!
Still going

Hammer strength chest press-435x12, 8, 8, 6=34 +10 lbs
Standing military press-190x5, 5, 5, 4=19 +5 lbs took longer rest periods on these. Want to hit 200 for at least a single by the end of this cycle.
Weighted dips-100x11, 8, 8, 6=33 Focused on hitting these nice and controlled and deep.
Leg press-885x11, 10=21 +20 lbs, starting to get heavy!
3 sets of calf raises
Db lat raises-40s x15 +5 lbs! These felt like nothing! then 30s, 20s, 10s all to failure.

Bodweight 223 today.
Hammer strength chest press-435x12, 8, 8, 6=34 +10 lbs
Standing military press-190x5, 5, 5, 4=19 +5 lbs took longer rest periods on these. Want to hit 200 for at least a single by the end of this cycle.
Weighted dips-100x11, 8, 8, 6=33 Focused on hitting these nice and controlled and deep.
Leg press-885x11, 10=21 +20 lbs, starting to get heavy!
3 sets of calf raises
Db lat raises-40s x15 +5 lbs! These felt like nothing! then 30s, 20s, 10s all to failure.

Bodweight 223 today.

good progressions so far bro. looks like you are still gaining weight just don't for get to adjust your calories and watch sodium intake so you don't get to much water weight. i am off to the gym now lol i know late night! but no waiting in line..