Finding a workout partner commited to fitness


Mr. Micropenis
What have others done to find friends that share the same level of passion for fitness (or Bodybuilding) to work out with?
For a long time I kept to myself at the gym, then one day I asked I guy I see there as often as I if he could spot me, we turned out to be good friends and work out together often, after that I became more friendly and approachable at the gym, whether it's a nod of the head of a standard hey what's up have a good workout
I met my workout partners at the gym, like most of my friends. It can depend on the gym you go to, how busy it is and what type of people lift there. I am at a powerlifting gym so it was easy to find powerlifting partners. Take that into consideration.

Another thing that is pretty helpful although not completely necessary is you should find someone near your own fitness level for the goal you have. If you are a 140 lb novice lifter, walking up to the 240 lb stage ready bodybuilder and asking him to be your partner will likely end in rejection.
my gym is full of old people who just had hip replacement or knee surgery. they use the squat rack for holding on to the bar and doing the squat so they dont fall down. no gym partners there for me. but this one old dude wheres a disturbed 10,000 fist shirt and we head nod all the time. he's gotta be 70 and you can hear his head phones jamming out to heavy metal. i find its a great to place to lift though cause i dont have to wait for any machines or weights. and compared to the old dudes im the biggest muther fucker there.