Finish The Job!

Big Dog


I want to finish a job I started Jan of 2005 up until two weeks ago. I want to finish shedding the last maybe 20lbs of body fat so I can start to put mass back on. I have shed 110lbs since then and fucked up my nutrition at one point and it cost me some mass and strength. I am 255lbs 40 yoa and 6'1". I have good shape and muscularity right now but with two weeks off have been informed by my trainer that I am now "fat". over the last two weeks I have shot my eating routine in the ass. I have eaten not 6 times a day as before but maybe three or four. Not timed well at all, every two hours, as before. And I have allowed myself some "normal" foods if I feel my meals were off. She feels I have lost some muscle mass and put on fat. I somewhat agree.

I took time off from the gym because I needed to let my body recover and adapt to an increased work load of a new job. I drive a local truck and push crates all day that range from 60lbs up to 1200lbs. More in the upper range, just today I had to push a 876lb pallet from the front of my 25ft truck to the end of it without a pallet jack. For extra cardio I run from my truck to the warehouses to aid in cardio. My body would just ache every morning if I lifted then went to work the next day.

I ended a cycle with no post cycle therapy (pct) about three months ago. Stupid but purely a financial issue due to a split with my wife. (she cleaned out my bank account) My trainer did not understand why I would wake up so sore and aching every morning after lifting the night before and pushing those damn crates. I have not had this happen except for the first month of getting back into shape when I had a different job.

I told her I was going to take another cycle but in small doses to aid in recovery as I thought the lifting at work and at the gym was pushing my body to a limit of breakdown. She talked me out of it. I am at a point to do it anyway. I am frustrated about how I fucked my nutrition up and hit a plateau again. I feel the time off is what my body needed as I dont wake up achey now but refreshed.

Any suggestions?
Have you had any blood work done after your cycle? If not, this is probably the first thing that I would do to see where your testosterone levels are at. The fact that you did not do post-cycle therapy after your cycle definitely puts you at a disadvantage in terms of recovery, to say the least. I would get some blood work done, see where you stand and then make a plan for attack from there.

As for your diet and training, what does your trainer think? Have you got back on track now?
yes, my wt is stable. I am concentrating on building my core before i head b ack to the gym so i am at a stability advantage and can lift heavier. I am also about to start dbol in low dose to recuperate faster and help with protien synthesis to get back on track. As for blood work no doctors out here would hear of doing it for the pure test level results. They are all after the almighty buck when it comes to AS supplementation. Its okay if they prescribe it at $25 an office visit plus $125 a cc with an injection every week, but god forbid you do the same yourself for $65 for 10ml's of the same gear they put into you at 250mg a hit.
Big Dog said:
I am also about to start dbol in low dose to recuperate faster and help with protien synthesis to get back on track.

I'd definitely recommend that you don't run the d-bol. There is little in the way of benefits in doing so.
Thanks Minx!
Aboot help me understand here. How is that so? I ask because I'm relatively new to gear. Everything I have gotten up until recently as to results have been natural. I have found I respond very well to low doses of gear.
I do mean low doses. I find if I keep them minimal my body morphs weekly. Increase it and the gains slow and level off. I did not know my metabolism would hit the level it did so I did not consume enough clean calories or proteins during. I did 400mg a week of Test Prop. and 50mg tren EOD.going lower produced better results.
Your trainer sounds like a Nazi, taking a break from your normal training and eating routine every once in a while is good for you mentally and physically
Well, the way you are running the d-bol is often referred to as a "bridge". This is what I have written on the subject before:

A widely held belief among some in the steroid using community is that a small dose of methandrostenolone can be used to "bridge" between cycles. This is due to the fact, as explained above, 10mg taken at once will increase your average testosterone level by five times and decrease your endogeneous cosrtisone by 50-70%. This, along with the short active life of the drug, would suggest that by using a small dose first thing upon waking is thought by some to help to combat the problems asscociated with coming off of anabolic steroids. By coinciding the dose of methandrostenolone with the body's own natural testosterone spike upon waking, many advocates of "bridging" will suggest that the body will somehow be fooled into believing that this spike is natural and that LH function will remain only partially suppressed, as methandrostenolone has a comparably small influence on the natural endocrine system(6). The usual suggested dose for bridging is usually 10mg per day.

Despite appearances, this theory has very little evidence to back itself up with no real scientific evidence to suggest that a bridge is even possible, although granted that the majority of our working knowlege comes through trial and error. However, even the propnents of a "d-bol bridge" admit that complete restoration of LH fucntion will not be acheived until one is completely off of all compounds. With that said, it is unlikely that a "bridge" will help to maintain muscle mass while you are able to recover both HPTA and LH function. The only solution is to come completely off all substances and run a proper post-cycle therapy.

6. Serakovskii S, Mats'koviak I., Effect of methanedienone (methandrostenolone) on energy processes and carbohydrate metabolism in rat liver cells, Farmakol Toksikol 1981 Mar-Apr;44(2):213-7
Thanks ABoot for the information. Ive been off cycle since June. I failed to say that and I have stopped all compounds, except I did over the counter DHEA for 30 days 25mg every day In September. Would it still be called a bridge? Im just asking because like I said Im really new to the gear world.
thetopdog said:
Your trainer sounds like a Nazi, taking a break from your normal training and eating routine every once in a while is good for you mentally and physically
She is full blooded German :laugh3:
I have done some insane things for Cardio.....she worked me up to 7 mile power walks twice a day. At one point we would do the power walks then I would have to carry her on my shoulders up an incline for 2-3 city blocks to her house. (she weighs 156lbs solid) She would put me on a mountain bike from time to time and we played cat and mouse for the 7miles. Nonstop all out balls to the wall pedaling, she was the mouse and I had to catch her.

Keep in mind I sought her out and asked for this kind of treatment. I put myself into her hands and asked no questions. I told her I would do whatever she told me to do. If I had questions I would ask after.
At times the excercises she had me do pissed me off and she would get in my face to keep me in check. I liked that and needed that:spank:

I let it known by my actions I was not in a good mood. :gives::flamingma She has pushed me hard. :axe:

She watches my food intake and keeps me focused on food being a business for my body to function not a constant all out feast. I love her to death and would not think of letting anyone else train me. She is always concerned when Im training that Im not eating enough clean calories and lets me know.

Like right now Im at home we have a large excercise ball in the living room. I have to learn to balance on it on just my knees and stay there for 2 minutes or longer. Eventually I will have to move the ball around, swivel hips, and control it with just my core muscles. When that is perfected I have to be able to stand on it and do the same. Sounds stupid but trust me it ain't easy and it works.

I love my little Nazi. She is one HOT ASS CHICA. So when she says Im Fat. I don't whine, I suck it up and say okay then lets get rocking. I love her honesty. I used to complain about it sometimes and she would say I sounded like a little bitch rather than some Alpha Male. So I learned fast.

Since she's my roommate, she gets to kick my ass whenever she wants and Im quite the willing client. :spank: :baby: She agrees though that time off is important from both the gym and diet. She thought I would do more cardio during the off time than what I did.
Monday I start back in the gym all out balls to the wall. For keeping the nutrition on hit I will be using a software called Balance Log. i just put in my current stats, my goals, my current or estimated BMR, and it spits out what I need nutritionally to achieve it. Its up to me to keep it clean and follow the plan it spits out. I am getting geared up mentally and my bod feels refreshed. I told my trainer I will be more of an Ass this phase about eating on time and getting my required sleep every day. I will allow myself down time as long as it is the type that lets me keep my animal focus on lock. She agrees, so thus I am a happy man. :dance2: :jump: