Finishing Blast, TRT Bloodwork 6 weeks away, can I take letrozole?


New member
Just finished a blast, on TRT dose now, have a small bump under my right nipple, should I wait until after my TRT bloodwork to go on letrozole? and also what is the consesus best letrozole protocol?
get your blood work done first and see where your estrogen is at. by the way, Letro is an AI , not a SERM. you can be aggressive and lower 'total' estrogen fast and block aromatization with Letro . but for estrogen at the estrogen receptor site itself you will need a serm , may want to try raloxifene or nolva . but again dependent on blood work
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get your blood work done first and see where your estrogen is at. by the way, Letro is an AI , not a SERM. you can be aggressive and lower 'total' estrogen fast and block aromatization with Letro . but for estrogen at the estrogen receptor site itself you will need a serm , may want to try raloxifin or nolva . but again dependent on blood work

but im looking for the gyno protocol
but im looking for the gyno protocol

do you know what a SERM is ? selective estrogen receptor modulator . if you have gyno issues that means you have estrogen issues at the estrogen receptor site itself (i.e, your nipples)
do you know what a SERM is ? selective estrogen receptor modulator . if you have gyno issues that means you have estrogen issues at the estrogen receptor site itself (i.e, your nipples)

I took the standard 0.5mg Adex EOD with my blast, I was on 500mg Test/500mg NPP & 60mg Anavar to start... never had nipple sensitivty/lactacting issues, so never used the caber I hand on hand.