First Anavar (var) Cycle...Need Clean Diet


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First Var Cycle...Need Clean Diet

Just starting a cycle of Anavar (var) and want some feed back on the cleanest, best diet....Thanks all
well i think it depends are your goals..? i would guess since your using Anavar (var) your trying to cut down..?
First, Stats please (age, height, weight, history, etc..)??
Second, I hope your running this w/at least a little test?
I am 40 years old...5'7...186 lbs...and yes looking to cut. Needing to drop some serious weight again. Not combining with anything. Straight Anavar (var) 10 mg per day. Diet so far is breast, broccoli and rice....not straying from that because Im afraid to lose any affects from the VAr! I want every possible affect I can get and will do anything to get the most from it.
Var's not gonna do you any good since youre 40- 50lbs overweight. you just fix that with diet and exercise. Save the steroids for when you get lean and need a little edge to get leaner.

I say all this based on the assumption that youre just carrying fat as the extra weight and arent some kind of powerlifter or something with some decent muscle mass already.
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I am 40 years old...5'7...186 lbs...and yes looking to cut. Needing to drop some serious weight again. Not combining with anything. Straight Anavar (var) 10 mg per day. Diet so far is breast, broccoli and rice....not straying from that because Im afraid to lose any affects from the VAr! I want every possible affect I can get and will do anything to get the most from it.

Sorry, being female won't require ;) .and I'm w/Estray. What's your approx BF%?? because at higher bf% your better off just diet and exercise until you get to a leaner state.. at a leaner/low BF% Anavar (var) really works its magic and you see the cuts, shape, and get that body recomp look. If you took it now, you really won't notice much.
Maybe try and ECA stack or natural fat burner/thermo if you think you need additional help losing.
I agree with the post above if you have a good amount of wieght to lose which it sounds like you do from your post. You live in vancouver and can get Ephedrine easy. It will also give you appitite suppression along with the rev in metabolism.

Good Luck