First Andropen 275 Cycle


New member
I am taking my first ever cycle. Im 5'8" around 170, my nat test levels are in the 700's and im taking 1cc every 3 days of andropen 275. I am wanting to take equipoise as a stack but am having a hard time getting my hands on some. If I take just andropen will I see good results while taking 1cc every 3 days even with my higher nat test levels or do I need to take more? Like I said this is my first ever cycle and I would like some help so that I do it right. Im only on my 2nd shot so im not feeling any results as of yet. Thanks for all the help and advice.
I am taking my first ever cycle. Im 5'8" around 170, my nat test levels are in the 700's and im taking 1cc every 3 days of andropen 275. I am wanting to take equipoise as a stack but am having a hard time getting my hands on some. If I take just andropen will I see good results while taking 1cc every 3 days even with my higher nat test levels or do I need to take more? Like I said this is my first ever cycle and I would like some help so that I do it right. Im only on my 2nd shot so im not feeling any results as of yet. Thanks for all the help and advice.
first cycle is test only bro...forget about the eq. And when your ready to add something try mast.

as far as your cycle dont need to take a shot every e days. You should only be doing 2ml a week to start out with. That would be 550 mg. Thats plenty. You dont need 825mg per week. 1ml mon and thurs will be fine

What is your post cycle therapy (pct) plan and what Aromatase inhibitor (AI) are you using?
Here's a video you might want to watch before you start jamming up that Andropen...

British Dragon Founder and Redicat Busted - YouTube

Notice the video was posted over 4 years ago. I KNOW someone is going to chirp in about New British Dragon. Well, if you go to the official New British Dragon site, you will also notice that Andropen is NOT in their lineup.

British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

There ARE a lot of fake steroids, and British Dragon is probably the MOST faked.

Canada's Largest Underground Steroid Lab and British Dragon Counterfeiter in Canada Busted - YouTube

Note that at the 1:50 mark, they showed Decabol and Trenabol, both ''british dragon'' products.

Another thing to think about... If someone is selling ONE fake product, what do you think about the authenticity of the other products being offered?
Ok well ill just take one every mon n thurs. Im trying to find someone with nolva for my post cycle therapy (pct) but havnt had any luck finding any as of now. Im takin vitamins n protein everyday and trying to eat better. Im 25 and just getting back into lifting, ive always been a hard gainer so im hoping this will help. I know there is a big thing going on about andropen but the guy I got it from takes it and has for awhile without any problems. I wouldnt have bought it from anyone else but trust this guy alot. Where can I find a good workout routine and diet plan? Is there anything else I need to be taking with this cycle that will help it go better? Thanks for all the help and advice i appreciate it.
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Whatsup guys? I'm 4 weeks into my 10wk cycle of just BD andropen 275 (taking 2 cc's a week/ one on mon and thurs). Def Gaining strength and weight; stuff is working. I'm following proper nutrition, and getting the right amount of protein. Im also making sure I get the right amount of cardio in at the gym as well. I'm 6'5 300 lbs, still play ball, just getting that extra edge and becoming a monster. I plan on taking HCG for my post cycle therapy (pct). Just don't know when I should start or should I take anything else for post cycle therapy (pct)? Could use some help and guidance in this area for post cycle therapy (pct). Thanks for your help guys.