First blast, need some advice.


I like bananas
Been running 160mg of test cyp split into 2 shots given every 3.5 days. Along with this I am taking .75mg of Anastrozole each time I pin.
I just had all my blood work done by my prescribing TRT doctor and everything is great.

Testosterone 792 241-827
Estrogen 26.52 <=39.80

I want to run my first blast and I need help with my Anastrozole dosing and timing. My plan was to bump my test to 500mg for 12 weeks then back to TRT doseage but I don't know what to do about the Anastrozole amount and timing on when to take it. Any advice would be appreciated. Again, this is a blast and cruise so no PCT will be needed. Thanks. :-)
so your taking .75 of arimidex already for your trt ? your trt is dialed in ? thats quite a bit of arimidex to be taking for that dose ... people generalyl run 0.5mg with 500mg of test on cycle ... provided its real arimidex . i know for me i took 1mg of arimidex once for 3 days straight when i noticed sensitive nipples and it completely fried my estrogen . 1mg is a high dose ... gave me ed issues for a couple days .
Yes sir. It has taken me some time to get dialed in for those numbers as well. That's why I'm nervous about starting this blast. I have never had any sensativity while adjusting my estrogen.
Back on 1-11-2016 I had blood work on the exact same test dose and my Anastrozole was .5mg twice a week and my estrogen was at 34.46 <=39.8

The doc said I should be in the low 20's for my estrogen so we bumped it to .75 twice a week.
ahh ok i understand . your pinning every 3.5 days and taking .75mg every 3.5 days . Commonly on first blast of 500mg , 0.5mg arimidex eod works fine . but u can wait for others to chime in . that is a basic protocol for 500mg test
When's your next doc appt? You could go 14 or even 16 weeks. 12 is conservative, 16 is pushing the bounds of what responsible and healthy for your body IMO , but folks go longer than that.

Get bloods after 6 weeks unless something comes up. Ie you think your e levels are out of whack.
Next doctor appointment is in Feb. I have blood work paid for and ready for me to go get it drawn from the clinic. I'll see how I feel over the next couple weeks. Thanks.
4th pin last night, feel fantastic! Where has this been all my life. Coworkers at work thought I was on speed in my meeting today.
Diet is on point.
Can someone teach me how to post a screenshot of my bloodwork? I'd like to share it with you for critique.

Edit it in paint, then upload it to Then you can upload it here using the bbcode tags. Alternatively, you can edit it and upload it directly here using the picture tool.

(editing your personal information out)
Looks like you may want to increase your Adex dose. Oily skin/acne? Water retention? How's libido?
How go the gains?
Looks like you may want to increase your Adex dose. Oily skin/acne? Water retention? How's libido?
How go the gains?

I bumped the adex to .5 a day but I worry its too much. Blood work will be done again soon. Not gonna lie, been having a very hard time getting to the gym lately, almost aborted and went back to TRT doses but thought to myself that I'm already in it this far so I joined a gym by my house so now I don't have to try and workout at lunch since I've been having lots of lunchtime meetings. Tonight's workout was fantastic at my new gym and has really inspired me to finish what I started. Thank you.