First Bridging Cycle


New member
Alright guys I'm on my 2nd week about to be on 3rd week of PCT and was thinking about doing a bridging cycle to keep up my weight. I am currently 195 lbs 5'10" and 25 bf 12%

I am a lean guy and on my previous cycle have dropped a couple lbs after my pct and wasnt wanting to this time. This is my 4th cycle and just got off of

800 mgs Test Cyp pw
450 mgs Tren pw
450 mgs EQ pw

I was told that if I took dbol and anavar I would keep my 12%bf and stay the lean look that I like. I don't want to loose my 6 pack.

Any feedback would be nice and the info that I got was from two of my buddies that are into aas and have been for a while.
Are you planning to become a professionmal bodybuilder? If not, you are making a big mistake staying on at the age of 25! time off is so important to your long term health that it isn't even funny.

Also these oral only options to bridge with are a bad idea, where are you getting testosterone from? your body won;t be making it during a bridge and you are not adding it with those two orals you listed.

A bridge is basically a continuation of a cycle at low dosages

Alright guys I'm on my 2nd week about to be on 3rd week of PCT and was thinking about doing a bridging cycle to keep up my weight. I am currently 195 lbs 5'10" and 25 bf 12%

I am a lean guy and on my previous cycle have dropped a couple lbs after my pct and wasnt wanting to this time. This is my 4th cycle and just got off of

800 mgs Test Cyp pw
450 mgs Tren pw
450 mgs EQ pw

I was told that if I took dbol and anavar I would keep my 12%bf and stay the lean look that I like. I don't want to loose my 6 pack.

Any feedback would be nice and the info that I got was from two of my buddies that are into aas and have been for a while.
No I'm def not wanting to do injections the rest of my life twice every week and not wanting to do horomone replacement one reason I was asking if this given advice was correct or not? I'm under the assumption that test is base of all stacks no matter what and have been reading info on this website for a while before I really knew what I was doing and still dont have everything under wrap.
You cannot bridge with AAS period. I don't care if its 10mg dbol a day or 10mg anavar, there are multiple studies you can find easily on the net showing the average reduction in testosterone from low dosing orals.

It may take 2-3 weeks but it will eventually supress you to a level where you are just causing harm. Also, a low dose of any of those are not enough to even make it worth while. If 10mg of dbol would do anything at all, why not run it like that on cycle so you don't have sides but still make gains? Because it doesn't work.

You are on or you are off plain and simple. For more serious guys there is blast and cruise but they both cause complete suppression of HPTA.

The biggest problem I see is you must have a hole in your diet or training, and I'm not trying to degrade you, so please understand this is to help you.

After 4 cycles, and at your height, you cannot hold 195 when off. What that says to me is there needs to be some changes in diet and/or training. I'm not the expert on this, all I know is I eat more when trying to grow and less when I'm not and I'm no genetic stud (well I am a stud who am I trying to fool) but honestly my curse is that I cannot add bf but on the up side I can eat a lot of poor cals and gain size while remaining pretty lean. That's the dumb way to do things on my part because it's adding to bad lipids.

I also realize that people gain weight at different rates, gain muscle in different volumes and times, and may only genetically be able to hold so much weight so I'm not bashing you at all. Even two guys of the same height may be different because of metabolism, bone weight and structure, tendon strength, etc etc.

So what I am saying is instead of finding another AAS. For some guys, high carbs low fats works, on other low carbs high fats. You just have to manipulate your diet to see what works for you, or talk to 3J who apparently has figured it all out.

Now I know I just went on for ever about diet and training, but I willgive you some possible bridging options. 1. Ostarine. I do not believe it to be suppressive to HPTA, and it works very well to help maintain and even add some lean mass, it also activates the same androgen receptors without the negative sides. It's not as strong as say test or deca but to me it was like adding var or tbol to a cycle. Many guys use it in and after post cycle therapy (pct). I got mine from Osta Gain, free of charge, and it was very good.

2. Is peptides. Your best options during and after pct are igf DES and igf lr3. I always ran lr3 in my pct's because it helped me hold some weight, continued to give great pumps and mentally gave me a boost just knowing I was pinning something. Igf DES will give a better pump. But treat these as similar to insulin in the sense that they will help shuttle nutrients, so you would load up with protien, creatine, glutamine, carbs, bcaa's while taking it and hope to force those nutrients into the muscles. Again Osta Gain has good igf which was shown on some blood tests without them knowing it was going to be tested.

Gw50516- will speed metabolism, possibly help cut fat, and increase stamina, but I personally don't like anything to cut in pct or right after.

That's about all the advice I can give, I'm not judging you by weight because at 175 I held a lot of muscle mass, but even now after years and years of doing this, I'm sitting in the low 220's right now at 6'. Not big by any means, yeah I'm very low bf and I can go up in weight but I start to get uncomfortable and I have to eat garbage to get enough cals to stay there so maybe I'm the one who needs to see 3J. But not bad considering I haven't touched a weight in a while due to injury which is healed up so time to get going.

Good luck and forget about bridging with AAS, and don't go for bigger doses on either, try other adjustments first.
I do appreciate the help and this is the main reason for me coming to this site is cause a lot of people just take advice from anyone who may or maynot know what they are talking about. I'm about like you not big not small but don't want to gain bf just to get bigger. I'll check into those optional bridging choices.