First Cutting Cycle: Want to shedd fat and maintain muscle mass


New member
Hello, I am new to the site and glad to be a part of it.
I am currently 5'10, and 195lbs. My Goal is to be around 10-12%Bf. I'm guessing I am at about 16%. My plan is to eat clean with High protein, low carb, and moderate fat intake for 1 month in that month 5 days per week weight training, and 5 days cardio. After that month begin my cycle.
I plan to use Test-E for 10weeks with Arimidex at .25mg a day. Post cycle therapy I will be using Nolvadex. I have yet to decide how to diet while on cycle.
Thoughts on the cycle? How much cardio if at all? What else can be added for me to obtain my goal? Lastly will libido be an issue?

Sorry for all the questions, thanks for the help guys!